Languages Study | Languages of the East | Japanese V

Third grade (200 kanji) - 2
êàíäæè, óðîâåíü 3, äëÿ òåñòèðîâàíèÿ

Kanji Sample # Strokes Meaning On yomi Kun yomi Simpl.Chinese Pinyin Trad.
味わう 273 8 flavor mi aji, aji-wau wèi  
命令 274 8 fate, life mei inochi mìng  
平和 275 8 harmony, peace; Japanese wa yawa-ragu, nago-yaka  
品目 276 9 an article, goods hin shina pĭn  
員数 277 10 employee; a member of in   yuán
商業 278 11 commerce shō   shāng  
問い 279 11 question mon to-u, ton wèn
  280 7 slope, hillside han saka bǎn
中央部 281 5 center ō   yāng  
始まる 282 8 to begin, beginning shi haji-meru shĭ  
283 8 committee; to entrust i yuda-neru wěi  
守り 284 6 to protect shu mamo-ru shŏu  
安い 285 6 cheap; calm, peaceful an yasu-i ān  
定め 286 8 to fix, to determine tei, jō sada-meru dìng  
  287 8 fruit; reality jitsu mi, mino-ru shí
客員 288 9 guest kyaku    
宮廷 289 10 Shinto shrine or prince (princess) kyū, gū miya gōng  
宿 宿る 290 11 inn; lodge for a night shuku yado, yado-ru 宿  
寒い 291 12 cold kan samu-i hán  
対向 292 7 opposite, against; to tai, tsui aite, soro-i duì
本局 293 7 office kyoku tsubone  
屋根 294 9 roof; home oku ya  
岸辺 295 8 shore; beach gan kishi àn  
  296 10 island shima dăo
州境 297 6 state; prefecture shū su zhōu  
  298 11 curtain chō tobari zhàng
平ら 299 5 flat, level, peaceful hei, byō tai-ra, hira píng  
幸せ 300 8 happiness saiwa-i, shiawa-se xìng  
度合 301 9 degree do tabi  
庫入れ 302 10 warehouse ko, ku kura
  303 10 yard tei niwa tíng  
儀式 304 6 style; ceremony; numerical formula shiki   shì  
役員 305 7 role; labor (as a servant) yaku