Languages Study | Languages of the East | Japanese V

Fourth grade (200 kanji) - 4
êàíäæè, óðîâåíü 4, äëÿ òåñòèðîâàíèÿ

Kanji Sample # Strokes Meaning On yomi Kun yomi Simpl.Chinese Pinyin Trad.
欠点 551 4 lack; deficit ketsu ka-keru qiàn  
歴史 552 14 curriculum; history, experience reki  
残り 553 10 remainder; spoil, destroy zan noko-ru cán
殺し 554 10 kill satsu koro-su shā
  555 8 poison doku    
氏名 556 4 surname (and name), clan name shi uji shì  
民俗 557 5 people min tami mín  
求め 558 7 to request kyū moto-mu qiú  
治める 559 8 govern chi, ji osa-meru, nao-ru zhì  
法則 560 8 method; law, rules    
泣く 561 8 cry; weep, sob kyū na-ku  
浅い 562 9 shallow sen asa-i qiăn
浴びる 563 10 bathe; bask yoku a-biru  
清らか 564 11 pure, clear sei, shō kiyo-raka qīng  
満ちる 565 12 full man mi-chiru măn 滿
漁り 566 14 fishing; fish ryō, gyo asa-ru
灯油 567 6 lamp hi dēng
無茶 568 12 nothing mu, bu na-i
然ういう 569 12 so; right, correct zen, nen shika-shi rán  
焼き 570 12 baked shō ya-ku shāo
照らす 571 13 illuminate shō te-rasu zhào  
  572 15 heat, hot netsu atsu-i
牧場 573 8 pasture; breed; to shepherd boku maki  
特別 574 10 special toku    
産む 575 11 give birth san u-mu chăn
  576 8 target; /possessive/ teki mato de  
省く 577 9 government ministry; omit; look back shō, sei habu-ku shěng  
祝い 578 9 to celebrate; to wish for, express wishes shuku iwa-u zhù  
票決 579 11 ballot; ticket hyō   piào  
  580 14 species; seed shu tane zhŏng
積む 581 16 accumulate; pile seki tsu-mu
競う 582 20 emulate; to compete, struggle kyō kiso-u jìng
笑う 583 10 laugh shō wara-u xiào  
  584 14 pipe kan kuda guăn  
  585 13 node, joint; festival setsu fushi jié
  586 10 flour; powder fun ko, kona fěn  
紀元 587 9 chronicle, records ki  
約束 588 9 promise, agreement yaku   yāo
結婚 589 12 tie ketsu musu-bu, yu-u jiē
給う 590 12 salary; to give (provide) kyū tama-u gěi
続く 591 13 continue zoku tsuzu-ku
置く 592 13 to put, to place (install) chi o-ku zhì  
老人 593 6 old man o-iru lăo  
  594 9 stomach i   wèi  
  595 10 vein, pulse myaku   mài
  596 13 intestines chō harawata cháng