Languages Study | Languages of the East | Japanese V

Fourth grade (200 kanji) - 5
êàíäæè, óðîâåíü 4, äëÿ òåñòèðîâàíèÿ

Kanji Sample # Strokes Meaning On yomi Kun yomi Simpl.Chinese Pinyin Trad.
臣民 597 7 retainer; official, courtier shin   chén  
航法 598 10 cruise   háng  
  599 7 good ryō yo-i liáng  
芸人 600 7 art gei   yún
芽ぐむ 601 8 bud ga me  
英国 602 8 England; brave, hero ei   yīng  
菜っ葉 603 11 vegetable sai na cài  
  604 12 street, city gai machi jiē  
衣服 605 6 garment i koromo  
要る物 606 9 need; to wish, to ask i-ru yào  
覚える 607 12 memorize kaku obo-eru, sa-meru jué
観ずる 608 18 observe kan mi-ru guān
訓戒 609 10 instruction; to teach, give instructions kun   xùn
試す 610 13 test shi kokoro-miru, tame-su shì
説明 611 14 theory setsu to-ku shuō
課員 612 15 section; class, lesson ka  
謀議 613 20 deliberation; to discuss gi  
  614 12 elephant; figure; to resemble zō, shō   xiàng  
貨物 615 11 freight; goods ka   huò
貯める 616 12 savings; to hoard, stockpile cho ta-meru zhù
費やす 617 12 expense, cost; to spend hi tsui-yasu fèi
賞与 618 15 prize; to reward, to grant shō   shǎng
軍法 619 9 army gun   jūn
  620 15 wheel rin wa lún
辞める 621 13 resign; speech; encyclopedia ji kotoba, ya-meru
辺り 622 5 environs hen ata-ri biān
連係 623 10 take along; to join, connect ren tsu-reru, tsura-neru lián
達する 624 12 to attain; to reach   tachi, tas-suru
選ぶ 625 15 choose sen era-bu xuǎn
郡部 626 10 county, canton gun   jùn  
量感 627 12 quantity, measure ryō   liáng  
録音 628 16 transcript roku  
  629 19 mirror kyō kagami jìng
関係 630 14 gate; related to; to close, to shut kan seki guān
陸上 631 11 land, shore riku  
軍隊 632 12 squad tai   duì
静か 633 14 quiet sei shizu-ka jìng
順序 634 12 order; (move) along jun   shùn
願い 635 19 request; to wish, hope for gan nega-u yuàn
種類 636 18 sort, kind rui   lèi
飛ぶ 637 9 fly hi to-bu fēi
  638 12 meal, cooked rice han meshi fàn
養う 639 15 to foster yashina-u yǎng
験算 640 18 to verify, examine ken   yàn