JLPT3 Words KA |
可 | か | passable |
可能 | かのう | possible, practicable, feasible |
可哀想 | かわいそう | poor, pitiable, pathetic |
可愛らしい | かわいらしい | lovely, sweet |
課 | か | counter for chapters (of a book) |
カー | car | |
カード | card, curd | |
会 | かい | meeting, assembly, party, association, club |
会員 | かいいん | member, the membership |
会計 | かいけい | account, finance, accountant |
会合 | かいごう | meeting, assembly |
回 | かい | counter for occurrences |
回復 | かいふく | recovery (from illness), improvement, rehabilitation, restoration |
害 | がい | injury, harm, evil influence, damage |
絵画 | かいが | picture |
海外 | かいがい | foreign, abroad, overseas |
解決 | かいけつ | settlement, solution, resolution |
解釈 | かいしゃく | explanation, interpretation |
外交 | がいこう | diplomacy |
外出 | がいしゅつ | outing, going out |
開始 | かいし | start, commencement, beginning |
改善 | かいぜん | betterment, improvement |
快適 | かいてき | pleasant, agreeable, comfortable |
飼う | かう | to keep, to raise, to feed |
替える | かえる | to exchange, to interchange, to substitute, to replace |
換える | かえる | to exchange, to interchange, to substitute, to replace |
香り | かおり | aroma, fragrance, scent, smell |
画家 | がか | painter, artist |
抱える | かかえる | to hold or carry under or in the arms |
価格 | かかく | price, value, cost |
価値 | かち | value, worth, merit |
化学 | かがく | chemistry |
輝く | かがやく | to shine, to glitter, to sparkle |
係 | かかり | official, duty, person in charge |
掛かる | かかる | to take (e.g. time, money, etc), to hang |
罹る | かかる | to suffer from |
鍵 | かぎ | key |
限る | かぎる | to restrict, to limit, to confine |
描く | かく | to draw, to paint, to sketch, to depict, to describe |
家具 | かぐ | furniture |
家事 | かじ | housework, domestic chores |
額 | がく | forehead, brow |
覚悟 | かくご | resolution, resignation, readiness, preparedness |
確実 | かくじつ | certainty, reliability, soundness |
確認 | かくにん | affirmation, confirmation |
学 | がく | learning, scholarship, erudition, knowledge |
学者 | がくしゃ | scholar |
学習 | がくしゅう | study, learning |
学問 | がくもん | scholarship, study, learning |
学期 | がっき | term (school) |
隠す | かくす | to hide, to conceal |
隠れる | かくれる | to hide, to be hidden, to conceal oneself, to disappear |
拡大 | かくだい | magnification, enlargement |
影 | かげ | shade, shadow, other side |
陰 | かげ | shade, shadow, other side |
欠ける | かける | to be lacking |
加減 | かげん | addition and subtraction, allowance for |
過去 | かこ | the past, bygone days, the previous |
籠 | かご | basket, cage |
囲む | かこむ | to surround, to encircle |
火災 | かさい | conflagration, fire |
貸し | かし | loan, lending |
菓子 | かし | pastry |
賢い | かしこい | wise, clever, smart |
歌手 | かしゅ | singer |
数 | かず | number, figure |
数える | かぞえる | to count |
稼ぐ | かせぐ | to earn income, to labor |
稼業 | かぎょう | trade, business, commerce |
型 | かた | mold, model, style, shape, data-type |
型どる | かたどる | to mold into |
型通り | かたどおり | formal |
肩 | かた | shoulder |
硬い | かたい | solid, hard (esp. metal, stone), unpolished writing |
方々 | かたがた | persons, this and that, here and there, everywhere |
刀 | かたな | sword, saber, knife, engraving tool |
語る | かたる | to talk, to tell, to recite |
勝ち | かち | win, victory |
がっかり | feel disappointed, be dejected, lose heart | |
格好 | かっこう | shape, form, posture, suitability |
活気 | かっき | energy, liveliness |
活動 | かつどう | action, activity |
活用 | かつよう | conjugation, practical use |
悲しむ | かなしむ | to be sad, to mourn for, to regret |
必ずしも | かならずしも | (not) always, (not) necessarily, (not) all, (not) entirely |
かなり | considerably, fairly, quite | |
金 | かね | (1) gold, (2) gold general (shogi) (abbr) |
金持ち | かねもち | rich man |
株 | かぶ | share, stock; stump (of tree) |
株価 | かぶか | stock prices |
被る | かぶる | to suffer |
構う | かまう | to mind, to care about, to be concerned about |
構いません | かまいません | doesn't matter |
我慢 | がまん | patience, endurance, perseverance |
上 | かみ | (1) first volume, (2) superior quality, (3) governmental |
神 | かみ | god |
雷 | かみなり | thunder |
髪の毛 | かみのけ | hair (head) |
科目 | かもく | (school) subject, curriculum, course |
科学院 | かがくいん | science institute |
かもしれない | may, might, perhaps, may be, possibly | |
火曜 | かよう | (abbr) Tuesday |
空 | から | sky |
柄 | がら | hilt (of a sword), haft (of a dagger), handgrip |
刈る | かる | to cut (hair), to mow (grass), to harvest |
彼等 | かれら | they (usually male) |
川 | かわ | river |
河 | かわ | river, stream |
皮 | かわ | skin, hide, leather, fur, pelt, bark, shell |
革 | かわ | leather |
缶 | かん | can, tin |
缶詰 | かんづめ | canning, canned foods |
勘 | かん | perception, intuition, the sixth sense |
勘気 | かんき | disfavor, disinheritance |
勘定 | かんじょう | calculation, counting, consideration |
考え | かんがえ | thinking, thought, ideas, intention |
観客 | かんきゃく | audience, spectators |
観光 | かんこう | sightseeing |
観察 | かんさつ | observation, survey |
環境 | かんきょう | environment, surroundings; circumstances fg139 |
歓迎 | かんげい | welcome, reception |
患者 | かんじゃ | a patient |
感じ | かんじ | feeling, sense, impression |
感謝 | かんしゃ | thanks, gratitude |
感覚 | かんかく | sense, sensation |
感情 | かんじょう | emotions, feelings, sentiment |
感じる | かんじる | to feel, to sense, to experience |
感心 | かんしん | admiration, Well done! |
感動 | かんどう | being deeply moved, excitement, impression, deep emotion |
関心 | かんしん | concern, interest |
関する | かんする | to concern, to be related |
関連 | かんれん | relation, connection, relevance |
完成 | かんせい | (1) complete, completion, (2) perfection, accomplishment |
完全 | かんぜん | perfection, completeness |
完了 | かんりょう | completion, conclusion |
完璧 | かんぺき | flawless, perfection |
監督 | かんとく | supervision, control, superintendence |
管理 | かんり | control, management (e.g. of a business) |