Languages Study | Languages of the East | Japanese III

ÀÓÄÈÎ 386 | GRAMMAR I - 08.05


Grammar I - 08.05
Particle が

が - ga is a way of introducing new information to others.

  For instance, Bill knows that Robert went to Okinawa, but Sally doesn't. Bill would say to Sally:
ロバート さん が  おきなわ に 行きました。 Robert went to Okinawa. 

robbato-san-wa okinawa ni ikimashita.

   Also, the particle indicates that there is information missing about a certain noun.
だれ が  おきなわ に 行きました か。  Who went to Okinawa?

dare ga okinawa ni ikimashita ka?


A question word that is the subject of a sentence, is always followed by ga.
Noun that provides an answer is also followed by ga.

どの クラス が おもしろい です か

Which class is (the most) interesting?

dono kurasu ga omoshiroi desu ka?

日本語の クラス が 面白い です Japanese class is.
nihongo-no kurasu ga omoshiroi desu.  
この クラス で 
だれ が めがね を かけて います か。
(In this class) who wears glasses?
(kono kurasu de)
dare ga megane o kakete imasu ka?
山下先生が 眼鏡を かけて います。 Professor Yamashita does.
yamashita sensei ga megane-o kakete imasu.