Languages Study | Languages of the East | Japanese III

ÀÓÄÈÎ 357 | GRAMMAR I - 03.03


Grammar I - 03.03
  Nouns are generally followed by particles in Japanese.  
These particles indicate the nouns relationship to the verb.
で  The particle indicates where the even described by the verb takes place.
としょかん で ほん を よみます。

I (will) read book in the library.

toshokan de hon o yomimasu.

うち  テレビ  みます。

I (will) watch TV at home.

uchi de terebi o mimasu.  
The particle indicates two things:  
1) the goal toward which things move,
and 2) the time at which an event takes place.

1) goal of movement

わたし は うち に  かえります。 I will return home.

watashi wa uchi ni kaerimasu.

わたし は きょう がっこう に いきません。

I will not go to school today.

watashi wa kyoo gakko ni ikimasen.  
2) 2) time
にちようび に きょうと に いきます。 I will go to Kyoto on Sunday.

nichiyoobi ni kyooto ni ikimasu.

じゅう いち じ に ねます。 I will go to bed at eleven.
juu-ichi ji ni nemasu.  
  Approximate time references can be made by substituting goro or goro-ni for ni.
じゅう いち じ ごろ ねます。
じゅう いち じ ごろ に ねます。

I will go to bed at about eleven.

juu-ichi ji goro nemasu.
juu-ichi ji goro ni nemasu.

へ  The particle also indicates the goal of a movement.  
It is pronounced "e."

he, [e]

わたし は うち へ  かえります。 I will return home.

watashi wa uchi e kaerimasu.

わたし は きょう がっこう へ いきません。 I will not go to school today.
watashi wa kyoo gakko e ikimasen.  

Note that he [e] may replace the particle ni only in the goal-of-movement sense.
The particle ni for the time references an other uses cannot be so replaced.


The particle indicates direct objects -
the kind of things that are directly involved in, or affected by the event..  
It is pronounced "o".

wo [o]  

コーヒー を  のみます。

I drink coffee.

koohii o nomimasu.

テープ を ききます。 I listen to tapes.

teepu o kikimasu.

テレビ を みます。

I watch TV.

terebi o mimasu.