Languages Study | Languages of the East | Japanese III

ÀÓÄÈÎ 330 | GRAMMAR I - 03.02

Grammar I - 03.02
Verb types and the "present tense"
  The present tense in Japanese is used to describe one of two things:  
1) an activity a person habitually or regularly engages in,
or 2) an activity that a person is planning on performing or doing in the future.
  Habitual actions:
わたし は よく テレビ を みます。 I often watch TV.
watashi wa yoku terebi o mimasu.  
メアリー さん は ときどき あさごはん を たべません。 Mary sometimes doesn't eat breakfast.
mearii san wa tokidoki asagohan o tabemasen.  
  Future actions:
わたし は あした きょうと に いきます。 I will go to Kyoto tomorrow.
watashi wa ashita kyooto ni ikimasu.  
スー さん は きょう うち に かえりません。    

Sue will not return home today.

suu san wa kyoo uchi ni kaerimasen.