GRAMMAR II - 23.05 : ~kata
463   Japanese 2008-2018-2023  

仕方 - shikata - way of doing, method

~かた - ~kata

  The noun-forming suffix かた follows the stem of a verb and means "the way in which the action is preformed" or "how to do...."
泳ぐ -> 泳ぎ方

how to swim, swimming method

yogu - yogi-kata

考える -> 考え方 the way of thinking, the way people think
kangaeru - kangae-kata  
  Nouns that are marked with other particles when they go with a verb are marked with の before ~かた.
   * The goal of movement, normally marked with ni, can be marked with the combination of particles he no [e no].
Therefore we also say
空港への行き方 How to get to the airport
kuukoo-e-no iki-kata  
漢字を読む -> 漢字の読み方 how to read the kanji; pronunciation
kanji-o yomu - kanji-no yomi-kata  
はしを使う -> はしの使い方 how to use chopsticks 
hashi-o tsukau - hashi-no tsukai-kata  
空港に行く -> 空港の行き方 how to go to the airport
kuukoo-ni iku - kuukoo-no iki-kata  
お風呂に入る -> お風呂の入り方 how to take a bath
ofuro-ni hairu - ofuro-no hairi-kata  
  With compound する verbs, such as べんきょうする - benkyoo suru, we have:
日本語を勉強する -> 日本語の勉強のし方 to learn Japanese - the learning method
nihongo-o benkyoo suru - nihongo-ni benkyoo-no shi-kata  
ホテルを予約する -> ホテルの予約のし方 to reserve a hotel - a reservation method 
hoteru-o yoyaku suru - hoteru-no yoyaku-no shi-kata  
   ~かた is a noun and is followed by particles like は and を.
The way in which Takeshi eats spaghetti is interesting.
takeshi-san-no supagetti-no taberu-kata
omoshiroi desu.
Excuse me, can you tell me how to write this kanji?
kono kanji-no kaki-kata oshiete itadakemasen ka?