Languages Study | Languages of the East | Japanese III

ÀÓÄÈÎ 353 | GRAMMAR I - 02.05


Grammar I - 02.05
  Using this formation you can say "Item A is this, and item B is this, too."
たけし さん は にほん じん です。 Takeshi is a Japanese person.
takeshi san wa nihon jin desu.  
みちこ さん にほん じん です。 Michiko is Japanese, too.
michiko san mo nihon jin desu.  
  Mo must directly follow the object to which it is referring. Mo is the equivalent to the English word "too."
A は X です

A is X (some property).

A wa X desu.

B  X です。 B is also X (some property).
B too is X.

B mo X desu.


Mo refers to shared property only.

We can not say about Pat, who has dual citizenship :
"Patto wa nihonjin desu.
Patto wa amerikajin mo desu. /  Patto wa mo amerikajin desu."

Japanese speakers would say:
"Patto wa amerikajin demo arimasu."