Languages Study | Languages of the East | Japanese III

ÀÓÄÈÎ 436 | GRAMMAR II - 18.05 : ~ba yokatta desu


Grammar II - 18.05

~ばよかったです - ~ba yokatta desu


~ば ようかった です - ~ba yokatta desu means I wish I had done or I should have done something.
You can use it to describe an alternative course of action you, to your regret, did not take.


I wish I had told her that I loved her.

ano toki,
"ai-shite iru", to ie-ba - yokatta desu.

彼女と別れなければよかったです。 I should not have broken up with her.
kanojo-to wakare-na-kereba - yokatta desu.  
  All verbs can regularly be turned into a ばよかったです sentence with no exception or irregularity.
You form the ば-form on the basis of the present tense short forms.
  Verbs in the affirmative:
  Drop the う and add: えば:
食べる -> 食べれば

to eat / if had eaten

taberu -> taber-eba

行く -> 行けば to go
iku - ikeba  
待つ -> 待てば to wait
matsu - mateba  
買う -> 買えば to buy
kau - kaeba  
する -> すれば to do
suru - sureba  
くる -> くれば to come, to arrive
kuru - kureba  
  Verbs in the negative:
  Drop the final い and add ければ:  

食べない -> 食べなければ

not eat / if had not eaten

tabenai -> tabe-na-kereba  
行かない -> 行かなければ not to go

ikanai - ikanakereba

待つない -> 待たなければ not to wait
matsunai - matanakereba  
買わない -> 買わなければ not to buy
kawanai - kawanakereba  
しない -> しなければ not to do
shinai - shinakereba  
こない -> こなければ not to come, not to arrive
konai - konakereba