Languages Study | Languages of the East | Japanese III

ÀÓÄÈÎ 432 | GRAMMAR II - 17.03 : ~tara


Grammar II - 17.03

~たら - ~tara


たら - tara is one of several words in Japanese that refer to conditional (if) dependence. 

  We learned one use of this word in Lesson 14:
tara doo desu ka
used in recommending an activity to the listener.
tara doo desu ka literally translates as "how is it, if."
  When we say "A たら B," we mean that "B is valid, contingent on the fulfillment of A."

That is to say, the event, action, or situation in B is realized if and when the condition A is met.

日本に行ったら、着物を買います。  I will buy kimono if and when I go to Japan.

nihon-ni ittara, kimono-o kaimasu.


 The initial た - ta in たら - tara comes from the short form past tense endings of predicates.

よむ-> よんだら

to drink - if/when drinking

やさしい -> やさしかったら い-adjectives:  
easy - if/when easy
しずかだ -> しずかだったら な-adjectives:  
calm, quiet - if/when calm
やすみだ -> やすみだったら noun + です - desu:
holiday, rest - if/when holiday
~ない -> ~なかったら negative clauses:
not - if/when not

  Sometimes, the clause before tara describes a possible condition and the clause after it the consequence which then follows.
Whether or not the condition is actually met is largely an open issue with this set of sentences.
It may be fairly likely, as in the first example, or very unlikely, as in the last.

We will go for a walk, if the weather is fine.

tenki-ga yokattara,
sanpo-ni ikimasu.

I will ask about it, if I see Professor Yamashita.
yamashita sensei-wa attara,
sono koto-o kikoo, to omoimasu.
If somebody is a Japanese person, then they will probably know this word.
nihonjin dattara,
kono kotoba-o shitte-iru deshoo.
I would send money to Amnesty International, if I should win the lottery.

takarakuji-ni atattara,
emunesuti-ni okane-o okurimasu.

  Note that when you say "A tara B,"
you cannot express a sequence of events in which B occurs before A;
B can only take place at the time A comes true or later.
You cannot therefore use tara to describe an "if" sentence like the following.
("B"= this weekend, which comes before "A"= next week.)
It will be better for you to study this weekend,
if you have an exam next week.
raishuu shiken-ga attara,
kondo-no shuumatsu-wa
benkyoo-shita hoo-ga ii desu yo.
  Sometimes, the tara clause describes a very probable condition,
and the second clause describes the event
that will take place as soon as the situation is realized.
With this type of sentence, tara simply arranges future events and activities in a temporal sequence.
I will call you when I get home tonight
konban, uchi-ni kaettara,
denwa shimasu.

Let's go out and have some fun once we are done with the homework.

shukudai-ga owattara,
asobi-ni ikimashoo.
  Note that the very same sentences could be interpreted in this way or in the way shown earlier.
The difference lies not in the sentences themselves,
but in the possibly different ways the real world could be like.
If you expect to be home tonight in all likelihood,
the first sentence here describes what you will do when you get home.
If, on the other hand, you are not certain whether you will be home tonight,
the same tara sentence describes what you will do if you get home. (* 6)
  Finally, the tara clause can describe a condition that is unreal and contrary to fact.
With this type of sentence, you express a purely hypothetical condition and its probable result.
If I were a cat, I would be asleep all day long.
watashi-ga, neko dattara,
ichi-nichi juu nete-iru deshoo.
If I had money, I would buy a car.
okane-ga attara,
kuruma-o kau-n desu kedo.

Throughout the uses of the tara conditional clauses discussed here, one thing remains constant:
A tara B can only describe a conditional dependency that holds naturally between A and B.
You cannot describe with tara an "if" dependency of the "B even if A" type,
where B holds in spite of A.

I will not marry you even if you want to.

anata-ga kekkon-shita-kattara,
watashi-wa, kekkon shimasen.