Languages Study | Languages of the East | Japanese III

Grammar II - 14.04

...たらどうですか - -tara doo desu ka


たら どう です か - -ta-ra doo desu ka (".. was if - how is it?")
after a verb conveys advice or recommendation.

  The initial た stands for the same ending as in the past tense short form of a verb in the affirmative.

In casual speech, たらどうですか
may be shortened to たらどう - /.. was if - how it is?/
or たら - /.. was if?/.



Why don't you study harder?

motto benkyoo shi-ta-ra doo desu ka?

くすりを飲んだらどうですか。 How about taking some medicine?

kusuri-o non-ta-ra doo desu ka?

  This pattern should not be used for extending visitations.
  Rather, use ...ませんか.

-ta-ra doo desu ka may sometimes have a critical tone,
criticizing the person for not having performed the activity already.
It is, therefore, safer not to use it unless you have been tapped for consultation.

うちに来ませんか。 Why don't you come to my place?
uchi-ni kimasen ka.  
  Better not to say so:
うちに来たらどうですか。 "(My) home came if, how about it?"
If you come to my place, how about it?
uchi-ni kitara doo desu ka?