Languages Study | Languages of the East | Japanese III

ÀÓÄÈÎ 405 | GRAMMAR I - 12.06 : ~deshoo


Grammar II - 12.06

~でしょう - ~deshoo

  We use でしょう at the end of a sentence when we are making a guess or a prediction.
  でしょう follows verbs and い-adjectives in short forms, and in the affirmative and in the negative.
  It may also follow な-adjective bases and nouns. でしょう directly follows these elements.
あした は あめ が ふる でしょう。 It will probably rain tomorrow.
ashita wa, ame ga furu deshoo.  
あした は あめ が ふらない でしょう。 I will probably not rain tomorrow.
ashita wa, ame ga fura-nai deshoo.  
ほっかいどう は さむい でしょう。 It is probably cold in Hokkaido.

hokkaido wa samui deshoo.

北海道 は 寒くない でしょう。

It's probably not cold in Hokkaido.

hokkaido wa samuku-nai deshoo.  
やました せんせい は 
さかな が すき でしょう。
Professor Yamashita probably likes fish.
yamashita sensei wa
sakana ga suki deshoo.
好きじゃない でしょう。

Don't like, maybe / it seems.

suki-ja-nai deshoo.  
あの ひと は オーストラリア じん でしょう。

That person is probably from Australia.

ano hito wa, oosutoraria jin deshoo.  
あの 人 は オーストラリア 人 じゃ ない でしょう。 That person is probably not an Australian.
ano hito wa, oosutoraria jin ja nai deshoo.  
  Inviting other person's opinion or guess:
にほんご と かんこくご と、
どっち の ほう が 
むずかしい でしょう か。
Which would you say is more difficult, Japanese or Korean?
nihon-go to kankoku-go to,
docchi no hoo ga
muzukashii deshoo ka?

Short form of deshoo is daroo.

You can use it to cautiously phrase a prediction or an analysis.

たけしさんは 興味が ある だろう 
と 思います。
I think Takeshi would be interested in it.
takeshi-san-wa kyoomi-ga aru daroo,
to omoimasu.

In casual exchanges, you can use deshoo (with the question intonation, and most often pronounced as somewhat shorter - "desho")
when you want to check if your partner agrees that you have the correct understanding about what you have just said.

ジョン、中国語が わかる でしょ?
John, you understand Chinese, right?
Can you read this for me?
jon, chuugoku-go-ga wakaru desho?
kore, yonde.