Languages Study | Languages of the East | Japanese III

ÀÓÄÈÎ 396 | GRAMMAR I - 10.03 : ... tsumori da, tsumori desu


Grammar I - 10.03
~つもりだ  - ... tsumori da, tsumori desu

つもり - tsumori follows verbs in the present tense short forms to describe what a person is planning to do in the future.
You can also use a verb in the negative plus つもり to describe what you are planning not to do, or what you do not intend to do.


verb (present, short) + つもりだ

I intend to do...
わたし は  しゅうまつ に たけしさん と  
テニス を する つもり です。
I intend to play tennis with Takeshi this weekend.
watashi-wa shuumatsu-ni takeshi-san to
tenisu-o suru tsumori desu.
やました せんせい は  あした 
だいがく に 来ない つもり です。
Professor Yamashita does not intend to come to school tomorrow.

yamashita sensei-wa ashita
daigaku ni ko-nai tsumori desu.


お寺を 見に 行く つもり でした けど、
天気が よくなかった から、
行きません でした。

We were planning to visit a temple,
but we didn't, because the weather was not good.
otera-o mi-ni iku tsumori deshita kedo,
tenki-ga yoku-nakatta kara,
ikimasen deshita.