Languages Study | Languages of the East | Japanese V |
AUDIO 597 |
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GRANRODEO - Memories (Kuroko's Basketball 3 OP) 黒子のバスケ3期 |
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グランロデオ - メモリーズ |
Memories |
弱い自分なんてとっくに自覚してんだよ そんなモンに馴れ合いたくないね 例えば俗世間 ダメだと嘆く導火線 自分に火がつかぬように |
I realized quite a while ago how weak I am I don't wanna get too familiar with someone like that Even if I were to set off a fuse by lamenting that this complacent world's no good, It won't light a fire under me |
yowai jibun nante tokkuni jikaku shite n da yo sonna mon ni nareaitakunai ne tatoeba zokuseken dame da to nageku doukasen jibun ni hi ga tsukanu youni |
幾千年も手を取り合って 体たらくを晒しあって ズレた着地点 |
We held hands for thousands of years, This sad state of affairs has been exposed, And we've landed in different places |
iku sennen mo te o toriatte teitaraku o sarashiatte zureta chakuchi ten |
笑って見えたつもりなのに 遠のく距離はso far 寂しい訳じゃないのに 追いかけるのに |
Even though I meant to be able to laugh and see it, The long distance seems so far away Even though it's not that I'm lonely, Even though I chase after it, |
waratte mieta tsumori na no ni toonoku kyori wa so far sabishii wake ja nai no ni oikakeru no ni |
僕の愛をくらえ! Loveをくらってみろ drive me crazy 誰かの理想を欲してんだろう |
Take my love! Go on and try taking my love, drive me crazy You must know somebody's ideals |
boku no ai o kurae love o kuratte miro drive me crazy dareka no risou o hosshitte n darou |
ねえ感性の成熟なんてしたくはないんだ わかるでしょう 単純シンパシー 消えた目の前の景色は褪せた色より濃い |
I don't want to do anything like let my sensitivity mature You understand, right? It's a simple sympathy The scenery that disappeared before my eyes is more vibrant than any faded colors |
nee kansei no seijuku nante shitaku wa nai n da wakaru deshou tanjun shinpashii kieta me no mae no keshiki wa aseta iro yori koi |
とっぱらいたい壁のバカ高さにビビッて so tired 語れよ人生論 freak out! 言葉にするなんて難しいから 感性は追いつけやしない |
I'm scared off by how tall the wall that I want to take down is so tired Tell me your theories on human life freak out! It's hard to try to put it into words, So I won't catch up with my own sensitivity |
toppara itai kabe no baka takasa ni bibitte so tired katare yo jinseiron freak out! kotoba ni suru nante muzukashii kara kansei wa oitsuke ya shinai |
退屈な日常なんて繰り返して 変わり映えのしない到達点 笑顔で涙を裏切って雫落としたメモリーズ 寂しい訳じゃないのに 追いかけたいのに |
I repeat these boring, regular days, Reaching a point where nothing changes for the better I betrayed my tears with a smile, the memories falling down in a teardrop Even though it's not that I'm lonely, Even though I want to chase after it |
taikutsu na nichijou nante kurikaeshite kawaribae no shinai toutatsu ten egao de namida o uragitte shizuku otoshita memoriizu sabishii wake ja nai no ni oikaketai no ni |
僕らは don't cryin' 愛してるさずっと night & day 心も体も tenderness もう思い出が引きずってしまうあの頃は今では |
We don't cry I'll always love you, night & day My body and soul are full of tenderness Now those days I'm dragged back to by my memories |
bokura wa don't cryin' aishiteru sa zutto night & day kokoro mo karada mo tenderness mou omoide ga hikizutteshimau ano koro wa ima de wa |
雑念フィルターにかけた目の前のあなたの影だ もういない |
Are a shadow of you before my eyes, seen through the filter of thoughts that
plague my mind You're not here anymore |
zatsunen firutaa ni kaketa me no mae no anata no kage da mou inai |
楽しむのがそんなにも悪い事なのかい my darlin' あの頃は二番目に良かったんだろうね 一番いいのはこれからだよ |
Is having fun such a bad thing, my darlin'? Those days were the second best time I've ever had The best is yet to come |
tanoshimu no ga sonna ni mo warui koto nano kai my darlin' ano koro wa nibanme ni yokatta n darou ne ichiban ii no wa korekara da yo |
僕の愛をくらえ! Love をくらってみろ drive me crazy 誰かの理想を欲してんだろう |
Take my love! Go on and try taking my love, drive me crazy You must know somebody's ideals |
boku no ai o kurae! Love o kurattemiro drive me drazy dareka no risou o hosshiten darou |
ねえ感性の成熟なんてしたくはないんだ わかるでしょう 単純シンパシー 消えた目の前のフィルターにかけた目の前のあなたの影だ 景色は褪せた色より濃い |
I don't want to do anything like let my sensitivity mature You understand, right? It's a simple sympathy Your shadow before my eyes seen through the filter in front of my eyes that disappeared The scenery is more vibrant than any faded colors |
nee kansei no seijuku nante shitaku wa nai n da wakaru deshou tanjun shinpashii kieta me no mae no firutaa ni kaketa me no mae no anata no kage da keshiki wa aseta iro yori koi |