Languages Study | Languages of the East | Japanese V |
AUDIO 588 |
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re-ray / Mitsuru Matsuoka EARNEST DRIVE (Kamen Rider Drive ED) |
松岡充 EARNEST DRIVE - re-ray | |
未来へ leading to the future 傷つき折れた翼 痛みも連れて行くのさ 眩しく光る re-ray |
Leading to the future These shattered, wounded wings Taking in the pain, A shining bright re-ray |
Mirai e leading to the future Kizutsukioreta tsubasa Itami mo tsurete iku no sa Mabushiku hikaru re-ray |
世界の終わりへと続くなら 雲の切れ間落ちる 薄命光線 |
As the ending to our world progresses, Twilight rays fall through the breaks in the clouds |
Sekai no owari e to tsuduku nara Kumo no kirema ochiru hakumei kousen |
薄命 hakumei misfortune, evil fate 薄明 hakumeı twilight |
生まれた意味を皆探してる 切れた指先滲む re-ray |
Everyone looks for a meaning when they are born Before the re-ray runs pass their fingertips |
Umareta imi o mina sagashiteru Kireta yubisaki nijimu re-ray |
真っ赤に燃える太陽 背中受けて ここから行くさ 愛された日々の証明 |
Because of this bright crimson sun burning back It gives me daily proof that you can be loved |
Makka ni moeru taiyou senaka ukete Koko kara iku sa aisareta hibi no shoumei |
遠ざかる day by day 僕等の闘いの日々は 君の中に stay 正義と悪は誰が決める? |
Day by day, I keep my struggles away Who can decide whether justice or evil can stay inside you? |
Toozakaru day by day bokura no tatakai no hibi wa Kimi no naka ni stay seigi to aku wa dare ga kimeru? |
未来へ leading to the future 傷つき折れた翼 痛みも連れて行くのさ 眩しく光る re-ray |
These shattered, wounded wings Leading to the future Taking in the pain, A shining bright re-ray |
Mirai e leading to the future Kizutsukioreta tsubasa Itami mo tsurete iku no sa Mabushiku hikaru re-ray |
真っ赤に燃える太陽 背中受けて 振り返らない 愛された日々の証明 |
Because of this bright crimson sun burning back It gives me daily proof that you can be loved |
Makka ni moeru taiyou senaka ukete Furikaera nai aisareta hibi no shoumei |
愛してた君を 腕に落とした涙は 僕の中にstay 正義と悪は誰が決める? |
Being loved, tears dropping on your arm Who can decide whether justice or evil can stay inside you? |
Aishiteta kimi o ude ni otoshita namida wa Boku no naka ni stay seigi to aku wa dare ga kimeru? |
Do you wanna remember? 僕等の始まりを |
Do you wanna remember? Our beginnings, for example... |
Do you wanna remember? Bokura no hajimari o |
未来へ leading to the future 眩しく光る re-ray |
What is leading to the future... A shining bright re-ray |
Mirai e leading to the future Mabushiku hikaru re-ray |