Languages Study | Languages of the East | Japanese V |
AUDIO 584 |
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Philosophy of Dear World / ZAQ (Junketsu no Maria OP) 純潔のマリア |
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ZAQ - Philosophy of Dear World | |
私は愛を知った | I learned of love! |
watashi wa ai o shitta | |
偏見の群れが走る夜 月も心も 満ちては欠けゆく 誰かの使命と私の正義が ジレンマに捲かれた |
On nights prejudices run in packs, The moon, and hearts alike, fill… only to empty again. And someone’s commands, alongside my justice, Are pulled into a dilemma. |
henken no mure ga hashiru yoru tsuki mo kokoro mo michite wa kakeyuku dareka no shimei to watashi no seigi ga jirenma ni makareta |
幾百年歩き続け 足下の花にも 気付けずにいて 差し込んだ輪郭 それはあなたの光 |
Walking onward for hundreds of years, I’ve grown to not notice the flowers at my feet, But the form that finally came in between was your light! |
ikuhyakunen arukitsudzuke ashimoto no hana nimo kidzukezu ni ite sashikonda rinkaku sore wa anata no hikari |
途絶えない衝動を 天に向けて叫び続けた 理が世を総べる世界で 私は愛を知った あなたの生きる明日のために 二人で愚か者になろう ここは神の箱庭じゃないから |
Turning to the sky, I screamed one undying urge after another; In a world where reason is king, I learned of love! For the sake of a tomorrow in which you exist, Let’s become fools together, ‘Cause it’s not like we’re part of God’s little garden, after all. |
todaenai shoudou o sora ni mukete sakebitsudzuketa kotowari ga yo o suberu sekai de watashi wa ai o shitta anata no ikiru asu no tame ni futari de orokamono ni narou koko wa kami no hakoniwa janai kara |
欲望が槍を向け合う夜 鳩が空気をざわめつかせるわ 「信じなきゃ やってらんないの」 自分の正しさに縋るように |
On nights desires turn their spears to one another, A dove disturbs the air. I tell myself, “I won’t make it if I don’t believe”, So that I can keep clinging to my own personal justice. |
yokubou ga yari o mukeau yoru hato ga kuuki o zawametsukaseru wa “shinjinakya yatterannai no” jibun no tadashisa ni sugaru you ni |
見守ったり 諦めたり 助けたり ただ祈ったり 全てが愛の形ならば 選ぶ 私の道を |
Watching over someone, abandoning someone, Saving someone, or simply praying for someone: If all of these are forms of love, I’ll choose my own path! |
mimamottari akirametari tasuketari tada inottari subete ga ai o katachi naraba erabu watashi no michi o |
遥か彼方へ歌う純粋さを 悪と呼ぶのか 見たこともない 導きもない 神よ、神よと うるさいわ 隣にある幸せ その結晶を いま見つけに行こう ここは人が求める世界だから |
Can you really call the pure act of offering a song far and wide evil? I’ve never seen him, and he’s not guiding me, But everyone shouts for god; just shut the hell up! Let’s leave on a journey right away, Searching for the embodiments of happiness that are really right next to us, ‘Cause we live in a world that everyone’s always yearning for! |
haruka kanata e utau junsuisa o aku to yobu no ka mita koto mo nai michibiki mo nai kami yo, kami yo to urusai wa tonari ni aru shiawase sono kesshou o ima mitsuke ni yukou koko wa hito ga motomeru sekai dakara |
私はこの不完全な世界が愛しいの あなたのいる世界を好きなだけ愛したい |
I love this incomplete world… And I want to love the world you exist in as much as possible! |
watashi wa kono fukanen na sekai ga itoshii no anata no iru sekai o suki na dake aishitai |
だから途絶えない衝動を 天に向けて叫び続けた 理が世を総べる世界で 私は愛に生きる 誰かが望む平和が 誰かの流す涙の裏にある 私は1つの笑顔を探す あなたとここで生きていくと決めたから |
So turning to the sky, I screamed one undying urge after another; In a world where reason is king, I’ll live through love! The peace one person seeks is on the opposite side of the tears someone sheds, But I’ll search for just a single smile, ‘Cause I’ve decided to live here with you. |
dakara todaenai shoudou o sora ni mukete sakebitsudzuketa kotowari ga yo o suberu sekai de watashi wa ai ni ikiru dareka ga nozomu heiwa ga dareka no nagasu namida no urani aru watashi wa hitotsu egao o sagasu anata to koko de ikiteiku to kimeta kara |