AUDIO 568 |
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Wonder Stella / fhána (fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya OP) プリズマ☆イリヤ ツヴァイ ヘルツ! |
ファナ - ワンダーステラ | |
命計らない 恋せよ少女よ 今衝撃的な体験が紡ぐたった一つの絆 |
Young girl, live a love immeasurable by life itself; This single bond will spin a series of sensational experience. |
inochi hakaranai koi se yo shoujo yo ima shougeki teki na taiken ga tsumugu tatta hitotsu kizuna |
青い衝動に駆られて走る私達 誰も知らない想いを共に秘めて |
Urged on by a pale impulse, we run onward, Hiding together an emotion yet unknown to the world. |
aoi shoudou ni kararete hashiru watashitachi daremo shiranai omoi o tomo ni himete |
戸惑いを捨てて進み出せば 新しい強さの定義を手にしたんだ 一人じゃないきっと星座もつかめる |
Once we cast away our hesitation and started moving forward, We acquired a new definition of "strength"! We're not alone... surely we could even grasp the stars! |
tomadoi o sutete susumidaseba atarashii tsuyosa no teigi o te ni shitanda hitori janai kitto seiza mo tsukameru |
命計らない恋せよ少女よ 今衝撃的な体験が紡ぐたった一つ絆 気付いているあなたの想いに もう何一つ言わなくていい ああ心そっと触れた手に手を重ねた熱情 一つに世界を越える |
Young girl, live a love immeasurable by life itself; This single bond will spin a series of sensational experience. I've already realized what you're feeling - you don't have to say a thing! Ahh, this warmth... of my hand covering the hand that touched my heart, Will go beyond the world as one. |
inochi hakaranai koi se yo shoujo yo ima shougeki teki na taiken ga tsumugu tatta hitotsu kizuna kidzuiteiru anata no omoi ni mou nani hitotsu iwanakute ii ah kokoro sotto fureta te ni te o kasaneta netsujou hitotsu ni sekai o koeru |
ねえ聴こえる? 高鳴る鼓動 まるで幼き日のような 分かっている たった一つ冴えた方法 あなたも勘付いてる: 一筋の光 |
Hey, can you hear it? That rising heart beat, Is just like when we were young. I'm know the one clear way; I'm sure you know it too: that single ray of light. |
nee kikoeru? takanaru kodou maru de osanaki hi no you na wakatteiru tatta hitotsu saeta houhou anata mo kandzuiteru: hitosuji no hikari |
冒険はいつも想像を超え 新しいを出会いをもたらす あなたとなら広い空にきっと航路を描ける |
Adventures always go beyond the imagination, bringing about new encounters; If I'm with you, I'm sure we can draw our own course! |
bouken wa itsumo souzou o koe atarashii deai o motarasu anata to nara hiroi sora ni kitto kouro o egakeru |
この世の果てに繋がる少女よ 今情熱的な誘惑と時に頬を伝う涙 気付いている私達ならば きっと何処へだって飛べるさ ああ心そっと触れる もう何もかも手に取る様に浮かべるの |
Young girl, you'll connect with the ends of the Earth; This moment holds passionate temptation, along with the occasional tear down your cheek. I'm realizing that, with all of us together, we could fly to anywhere we please - Ahh, you gently touch my heart, and everything in the world seems to float up within reach! |
kono yo no hate ni tsunagaru shoujo yo ima jounetsu teki na yuuwaku to toki ni hoo o tsutau namida kidzuiteiru watashitachi naraba kitto doko e datte toberu sa ah kokoro sotto fureru mou nanimokamo te ni toru you ni ukaberu no |
命の儚さまだ知らぬ少女 ずっと確かな自分のまま 花は咲き誇れると信じた 繋がっていたよ世界のどこかに そうまだ見ぬ星座を目指し 駆け出したあの日 |
That young girl, still unbeknownst to the emptiness of life, Always stayed sure of herself, believe that her flower would bloom in glory. She was connected, from somewhere in the world, To that never-before-seen constellation we sought after that day! |
inochi no hakanasa mada shiranu shoujo zutto tashikana jibun no mama hana wa sakihokoreru to shinjita tsunagatteita yo sekai no dokoka ni sou mada minu seiza o mezashi kakedashita ano hi |
命計らない恋せよ少女よ 今情熱的な衝動が 開くたった一つ扉 予感してるあなたの存在をもう何一つ言わなくていい ああ心そっと触れた手に手を重ねる熱量の高鳴り 魔法に変わる |
Young girl, live a love immeasurable by life itself; In this moment, your passionate impulse will open the one and only door. I'm predicting your existence - you don't have to say a thing! Ahh, this throbbing warmth... of my hand covering the hand that touched my heart, Will become a magic spell! |
inochi hakaranai koi se yo shoujo yo ima jounetsu teki na shoudou ga hiraku tatta hitotsu tobira yokan shiteru anata no sonzai o mou nani hitotsu iwanakute ii ah kokoro sotto fureta te ni te o kasaneru netsuryou no takanari mahou ni kawaru |
メーデー誰か今 メーデー叫ぶ声 そう冒険の地図を見つけた |
Mayday! Someone, quickly! Mayday! Says a shouting voice. That's right: someone's found a map to an adventure! |
mayday dareka ima mayday sakebu koe sou bouken no chizu o mitsuketa |