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TrySail - Youthful Dreamer (Denpa Kyoushi OP) 電波教師 OP 1 |
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トライセイル - Youthful Dreamer | |
夢を叶えて自分の未来をその手に掴め | Make your dreams come true and grab your future with your own two hands! |
yume o kanaete jibun no mirai o sono te ni tsukame | |
一度の人生やりたい事やらなきゃ いざとなったらムチャして面白くしてやろうぜ つまらない事するキミには おしおきが必要かな? |
We gotta do the things we've always wanted to do with this one life we have! If it comes down to it, just get reckless and make things interesting! You're always doing such boring things; do I need to teach you a lesson? |
ichido no jinsei yaritai koto yaranakya iza to nattara mucha shite omoshiroku shiteyarou ze tsumaranai koto suru kimi niwa oshioki ga hitsuyou kana? |
世間の常識なんかは壊して 鏡に映るいつもの表情変えてやるぜ そして一度スイッチ入れたら 欲しいものは手に入れろ |
Bust through society's "common sense", And change the expression that's always reflected in your mirror! Now once you've flipped that switch, go get what you want! |
seken no joushiki nanka o kowashite kagami ni utsuru itsumo no hyoujou o kaeteyaru ze soshite ichido suicchi iretara hoshii mono o te ni irero |
ヒーローがいなければキミがヒーローになればいいと そんな言葉が生きる意味を与えてくれた (どんな障害も越えて行く) |
"If you can't find a hero, you just have to become one yourself"; Those words gave meaning to my life. (I'll go beyond all obstacles!) |
hiiroo ga inakereba kimi ga hiiroo ni nareba ii to sonna kotoba ga ikiru imi o ataetekureta (donna shougai mo koeteyuku) |
決めるのは自分なの でもね一人ぼっちじゃないから 物語の言葉で今すぐ 本当のヒーローになれ! |
You're the one who ultimately decides... But you know, you're not alone! Following the words of a story, become a real hero right here and now! |
kimeru nowa jibun nano demo ne hitoribocchi janai kara monogatari no kotoba de imasugu hontou no hiiroo ni nare! |
夢を叶えて自分の未来をその手に掴め キミの歩む人生 オリジナルな存在さ レベル上げて飛び出せ まだ見た事のない景色が待つ キラキラと輝ける レジェンドレアなヴィジョンで描かれた 最高のステージを目指せ! |
Make your dreams come true and grab your future with your own two hands: The life you lead is an original existence! Level up and bust on out - views you've never seen before are waiting! Head for your ultimate stage, Drawn out by your shining, legendary vision! |
yume o kanaete jibun no mirai o sono te ni tsukame kimi no ayumu jinsei orijinaru na sonzai sa reberu agete tobidase mada mita koto no nai keshiki ga matsu kirakira to kagayakeru lejendorea na vijon de egakareta saikou no suteeji o mezase! |
2度目の挑戦まだまだいけるぜ 少し躓いただけで諦めちゃダメだよと 信じた道を進む勇気を キミがボクにくれたから |
I can keeping going on to the 2nd challenge! You told me, "You mustn't give up just 'cause you stumble" And gave me the courage to proceed down the path I believed in. |
nidome no chousen madamada ikeru ze sukoshi tsumazuita dake de akiramecha dame dayo to shijita michi o susumu yuuki o kimi ga boku ni kureta kara |
本当の気持ちならいつも胸の中に変わらずに けれど伝えようとするほど素直になれず (駆け引きは得意じゃないから) |
If the feeling is real, it remains in your heart, unchanging - But the more I try to express it, I can't seem to speak my mind... ('Cause I'm not too good at bargaining) |
hontou no kimochi nara itsumo mune no naka ni kawarazu ni keredo tsutaeyou to suru hodo sunao ni narezu (kakehiki wa tokui janai kara) |
ルールなんか無視して そうさ世界中を繋ぎたい このメロディーに乗せて遠くへ この想いよ届けもっと |
I want to ignore the rules, And yeah, connect everyone in the world together, Sending out this feeling more and more - sending it far off upon this melody! |
ruuru nanka mushi shite sou sa sekaijuu o tsunagitai koo merodii ni nosete tooku e kono omoi yo todoke motto |
瞳閉じればきっとキミなら見つけられるはず 目の前に広がった 無限大の可能性 駆け出すのさ自由へ 衝動の光は解き放たれ ファンタジックな奇跡 キミとなら起こせるから 煌めいたこのドキドキは止められない! |
If you close your eyes, knowing you, I'm sure you'll be able to find it - The infinity of possibilities that lay out before you! We're gonna break into a run toward freedom, releasing light from our impulses, 'Cause if I'm with you, I can create a fantastic miracle - This glittering pitter-patter can't be stopped! |
hitomi tojireba kitto kimi nara mitsukerareru hazu me no mae ni hirogatta mugendai no kanousei kakedasu nosa jiyuu e shoudou no hikari wa tokihanatare fantajikku na kiseki kimi to nara okoseru kara kirameita kono dokidoki wa tomerarenai! |
黄昏時ふいに自分の居場所が 分からなくてその場で立ち尽くした そんなボクに笑顔で手を差し伸べて 「そのままのキミでいい」と そんな言葉が ココロの中で響いたの |
Forgetting where I belonged once twilight descended, I was at a standstill... But you reached your hand out to me, And said, "You're fine just the way you are" - Those words resounded in my heart! |
tasogaredoki fui ni jibun no ibasho ga wakaranakute sono ba de tachitsukushita sonna boku ni egao de te o sashinobete "sono mama no kimi de ii" to sonna kotoba ga kokoro no naka de hibiita no |
夢を叶えて自分の未来をその手に掴め キミの歩む人生 オリジナルな存在さ レベル上げて飛び出せ まだ見た事のない景色が待つ キラキラと輝ける レジェンドレアなヴィジョンここに映そう この瞬間から始まるぜ |
Make your dreams come true and grab your future with your own two hands: The life you lead is an original existence! Level up and bust on out - views you've never seen before are waiting! Let's project a shining, legendary vision here - We're gonna get started right this instant, |
yume o kanaete jibun no mirai o sono te ni tsukame kimi no ayumu jinsei orijinaru na sonzai sa reberu agete tobidase mada mita koto no nai keshiki ga matsu kirakira to kagayakeru lejendorea na vijon koko ni utsusou kono shunkan kara hajimaru ze |
最高のステージを創れ! | So build your ultimate stage! |
saikou no suteeji o tsukure! |