Languages Study | Languages of the East | Japanese V |
AUDIO 535 |
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Asayake no Starmine / Asami Imai
今井麻美 - 朝焼けのスターマイン | |
はぐれた君を探してたよ 呼びかけた声かき消されて 僕が握りしめたその手は 震えていたね |
I searched for you, having lost your way, drowning out the voices that called after me; That hand I grasped tightly was shaking. |
hagureta kimi o sagashiteta yo yobikaketa koe kakikesarete boku ga nigirishimeta sono te wa furueteita ne |
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ふたりの思いが 戻せない時間抱きしめ 高く飛んでくよ |
Our thoughts consist of time we can never get back, so we’ll embrace them and fly on high: |
futari no omoi ga modosenai jikan dakishime takaku tondeku yo |
万華鏡 空に煌めいて 君がぎこちなく微笑んでた 愛しさ溢れてゆく 光が溶けてくその前に 心から願うんだ この瞬間を 永遠に忘れないようにと |
A kaleidoscope sparkles in the sky, and you’re smiling awkwardly – I’m filled with love and affection. Before this light begins to fade, I’ll wish from the bottom of my heart… to never forget this moment, for all eternity. |
mangekyou sora ni kirameite kimi ga gikochinaku hohoendeta itoshisa afureteyuku hikari ga toketeku sono mae ni kokoro kara negaunda kono shunkan o towa ni wasurenai you ni to |
時計の針は進み 僕の笑顔が強がりだと 抱き寄せた君に見抜かれた 夜が明ける前 |
The clock’s hand moves on and you say I’ve been smiling through the pain, Seeing right through me as you pull me close – before the dawn. |
tokei no hari wa susumi boku no egao ga tsuyogari dato dakiyoseta kimi ni minukareta yo ga akeru mae |
募ってく想い一秒ごとに焼き付けて 星空に綴ろう |
These feelings that are building leave their burns as each second passes
– I’ll string them across the sky! |
tsunotteku omoi ichibyou goto ni yakitsukete hoshizora ni tsudzurou |
光の環を指に通して 君は嬉しそうにはしゃいでて 世界は輝いてる 魔法の時間が過ぎ去っても 誓い合った絆は この胸の中 いつまでも生き続ける |
Passing your fingers through a ring of light, you frolic happily about – the world is shining! Even once this magic moment takes its leave, the bonds we swore to will live on within our hearts! |
hikari no wa o yubi ni tooshite kimi wa ureshisou ni hashaidete sekai wa kagayaiteru mahou no jikan ga sugisattemo chikaiatta kizuna wa kono mune no naka itsumademo ikitsudzukeru |
数え切れない 君との日々 振り向けばほら スターマインのように 鮮やかに |
These countless days I’ve spent with you; when we reflect on them,
look: they’re vivid as a star mine! |
kazoekirenai kimi tono hibi furimukeba hora sutaa main no you azayaka ni |
朝焼けは虹色 祭りの後ただひとり 君の余韻に浸る ぬくもり抱いて歩き出すよ この奇跡にありがとう いつの日かまた 巡り会えますように |
The sunrise is in rainbow color – after the festival, I steep in your lingering memory. Embracing that warmth, I’ll begin to walk, giving thanks to this miracle; Hoping that we’ll someday meet again! |
asayake wa nijiiro matsuri no ato tada hitori kimi no yoin ni hitaru nukumori daite arukidasu yo kono kiseki ni arigatou itsu no hi ka mata meguriaemasu you ni |
万華鏡 空に煌めいて 君がぎこちなく微笑んでた 愛しさ溢れてゆく 光が溶けてくその前に 心から誓ったんだ この瞬間を 永遠に忘れないようにと 遠く 咲き乱れてる スターマイン空彩る |
When a kaleidoscope sparkled in the sky, you were smiling awkwardly – I’m filled with love and affection. Before that light began to fade, I swore from the bottom of my heart… to never forget this moment, for all eternity. Blooming wildly in the distance, a star mine colors the skies. |
mangekyou sora ni kirameite kimi ga gikochinaku hohoendeta itoshisa afureteyuku hikari ga toketeku sono mae ni kokoro kara chikattanda kono shunkan o towa ni wasurenai you ni to tooku sakimidareteru sutaa main sora irodoru |