Languages Study | Languages of the East | Japanese V


Ambivalence / SCREEN Mode (Kuroko's Basketball 3 ED)

黒子のバスケ 3期

スクリーンモード - アンビバレンス SCREEN Mode - Ambivalence
それはきっと あの日の声 泣きじゃくる君の声
“Can you hear it… can you hear it?” Deep within your heart…
It’s surely the voice from that day: your sobbing voice.
“kikoemasu ka… kikoemasu ka” sono kokoro no fukaku fukaku
sore wa kitto ano hi no koe nakijakuru kimi no koe
このセカイで 1人きりで 呼吸をしているみたいで
胸に積もる 冷たい悲しみにも 傘を差せずにいました
It’s like I’m the only one drawing breath in this whole world,
Not bothering to hold up an umbrella to the cold sadness building in my chest.
kono sekai de hitorikiri de kokyuu o shiteiru mitai de
mune ni tsumoru tsumetai kanashimi nimo kasa o sasezu ni imashita
僕に視えていること 君に視えているもの
置き去りにした キセキのなか
すれ違ってく 同じ空で
The things that look apparent to me… the things you’re able to see…
Within a forsaken miracle,
They cross paths beneath the same sky.
boku ni mieteiru koto kimi ni mieteiru mono
okizari ni shita kiseki no naka
surechigatteku onaji sora de
夢へ 近づく この…痛みがまだ 明日を描くよ
また…花を咲かすこと 信じて
Run… then scream,
Getting closer to a dream – this pain will once again paint an image of tomorrow.
Believe that the tears we shed, lost together,
Can bloom this flower again!
hashire soshite sakebe
yume e chikadzuku kono… itami ga mata ashita o egaku yo
tagai, mayoi, nagasu namida ga
mada hana o sakasu koto shinjiteru
「昨日よりは 進めたかな…」風に問うよ 遠く遠く
こころのなか 揺れてる光と影 連れては 君を想った
“Have I progressed further than yesterday…?” I ask the wind, so far away;
As I carried swaying light and darkness within my heart, I thought of you.
“kinou yori wa susumeta kana…” kaze ni tou yo tooku tooku
kokoro no naka yureteru hikari to kage tsurete wa kimi o omotta
望みは少なくても 答えが儚くても
夢の轍に 咲く輝き
枯らさぬように 抱きしめてた
Even if my wishes are few… even if the answer is empty…
I was clinging to the radiance that blooms in the furrow of dreams,
To keep if from wilting away.
nozomi wa sukunakutemo kotae ga hakanakutemo
yume no wadachi ni saku kagayaki
karasanu you ni dakishimeteta
放て、願いを きっと…約束へと繋がる空まで
離れ離れ 抱えた傷が
Sound it out… send it to you –
Let loose that wish: until it reaches a sky that leads to a promise.
These scars we held onto while so far apart,
Will now… become strength.
hibike, todoke, kimi e
hanate, negai o kitto… yakusoku eto tsunagaru sora made
hanarebanare kakaeta kizu ga
ima… tsuyosa ni naru kara
夢を誓い合った日々 間違いだらけの時 
希望が交差してく その未来
もう1度 出逢いたいんだ 君の笑顔に
Our days of taking oath to dreams; time filled with mistakes –
hopes start to intersect: that sort of future!
I want to encounter your smile once more!
yume o chikaiatta hibi machigaidarake no toki
kibou ga koosa shiteku sono mirai
mou ichido deaitainda kimi no egao ni
夢へ 近づく この…痛みがまだ 明日を描くよ
放て、願いを きっと…約束へと繋がる空まで
また…花を咲かすだろう 僕らは 信じて
Run… then scream,
Getting closer to a dream – this pain will once again paint an image of tomorrow.
Send it to you –
Let loose that wish: until it reaches a sky that leads to a promise.
No matter how many hundreds, how many thousands of times, yes – stand up tall!
We believe… that we can manage to bloom this flower again!
hashire, soshite, sakebe
yume e chikadzuku kono itami ga mada ashita o egaku yo
todoke, kimi e
hanate, negai o kitto… yakusoku eto tsunagaru sora made
nanbyakkai, nanzenkai, sou tachiagare
mata… hana o sakasu darou bokura wa shinjite