Languages Study | Languages of the East | Japanese V |
AUDIO 526 |
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Kimi wo Sagashi ni / Yoshino Nanjo (Grisaia no
Rakuen ED) |
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- きみを探しに |
Searching you |
初めてきみのことを考えた夜から | From the first night I thought of you… |
hajimete kimi no koto o kangaeta yoru kara |
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きみのいない部屋は 雨の中のお散歩みたいで 不意に泣きたくなる オルゴールの音色が 浮かんでは消えていく |
This room without you in it is like a walk through the rain; I suddenly feel like crying, As the tones from my music box float up, only to vanish. |
kimi no inai heya wa ame no naka no osanpo mitai de fui ni nakitakunaru orugooru no neiro ga ukande wa kieteiku |
出会いの日に 戻りたくて私 ドアを開けて 走り出したよ |
Seeking to return to the days we would meet, I opened the door and started running! |
deai no hi ni modoritakute watshi doa o akete hashiridashita yo |
大好きな きみのこと 奪われたくはない だから私は強くなる 揃わない足並みで きみを迎えに行くんだ オレンジ色 染まる空に 愛してる |
I don’t want you, who I love, taken from me, So I’ll grow stronger! With uneven steps, I’ll go to where you are, In love with the orange-tinted sky. |
daisuki na kimi no koto ubawaretaku wa nai dakara watashi wa tsuyokunaru sorowanai ashinami de kimi o mukae ni yukunda orenjiiro somaru sora ni aishiteru |
白いシャツについた きみの香り遠くなる前に…… 夏が恋しくなる きみと花火 遊んだ 落ちてく砂時計 |
Before the smell of you on this white shirt fades…… I start to miss summer: we played with fireworks – The hourglass begins to flow. |
shiroi shatsu ni tsuita kimi no kaori tookunaru mae ni…… natsu ga koishikunaru kimi to hanabi asonda ochiteku sunadokei |
別れの日は 余りにも唐突で 電話しても 他人みたいで |
The day we parted was just too sudden; Even when we talked on the phone, you sounded like another person. |
wakare no hi wa amari nimo toutotsu de denwa shitemo tanin mitai de |
大切な想い出を 失いたくはない 勇気を胸に 取り戻す 振り返ることはせず きみを探しに行くんだ この気持ち届かなくても 愛してる |
I don’t want to lose these cherished memories, So I’ll reclaim the courage within my heart! Without looking back, I’ll go searching for you – Even if this feeling can’t reach you, I love you! |
taisetsu na omoide o ushinaitakunai yuuki o mune ni torimodosu furikaeru koto wa sezu kimi o sagashi ni yukunda kono kimochi todokanaikutemo aishiteru |
聴きなれた低いその声 私を呼んでる 物語は何度だって 信じてさえいれば 蘇る |
That low voice I’ve grown so used to hearing is calling to me; As long as I believe, this tale will be reborn again and again. |
kikinareta hikui sono koe watashi o yonderu monogatari wa nandodatte shinjite sae ireba yomigaeru |
他の誰かじゃなくて きみが必要だから 同じ毛布で目を覚まそう 砕け散るその前に きみを抱きしめたんだ 2人の唇が動く 愛してる |
I need you – not anyone else, So let’s open our eyes, sharing the same blanket! I hold you close before we’re crushed to pieces; Our lips move together… I love you! |
hoka no dareka janakute kimi ga hitsuyou dakara onaji moufu de me o samasou kudakechiru sono mae ni kimi o dakishimetanda futari no kuchibiru ga ugoku aishiteru |