(2025) ÈÇÓ×ÅÍÈÅ ßÇÛÊΠ- ßÏÎÍÑÊÈÉ 2299 |
She is Legend - Burn My Soul |
特に才能もないし何を掴み取れと言うんだろうな 虚しく宙を掻いて空回りの日々だけどまぁいっか |
toku ni sainou mo nai shi nani wo tsukamitore to iundarou na munashiku chuu wo kaite kara mawari no hibi dakedo maa ikka |
I don’t have any particular talent, so what am I supposed to do? I spend my days doing nothing and trying to grab the air, so whatever |
AH! It’s Her Wish, Crazy For Me 息を吸い込んでいざ参りましょう AH! It’s Her Wish, Quest For Me Undying そこはステージで命賭し |
AH! It’s Her Wish, Crazy For Me iki wo suikonde iza mairimashou AH! It’s Her Wish, Quest For Me Undying soko wa suteeji de inochi toshi |
AH! It’s Her Wish, Crazy For Me Take a deep breath, it’s time to go AH! It’s Her Wish, Quest For Me Undying That’s the stage where we risk our lives |
きみを忘れてもぼくは連れてくよ 孤独の果て 虚数の海 時が止まってしまっても 待つのは天国?それとも地獄かな? この心臓を捧げてもいい 君と燃え尽きるのなら 芽吹く命に祝福あげる |
kimi wo wasurete moboku wa tsureteku yo kodoku no hate kyosuu no umi toki ga tomatteshimatte mo matsu no wa tengoku? soretomo jigoku kana? kono shinzou wo sasagete mo ii kimi to moetsukiru no nara mebuku inochi ni jukufuku ageru |
Even if I were to forget you I’d still come with you Through solitude, the Dirac sea And even if time itself were to stop Is it heaven waiting for us? Or is it hell? I’ll sacrifice my heart for you if it means I’ll burn with you I give my blessing to this new life |
頼りない足取りでどこまで突き進めと言うだろう? ぐるぐる同じところ回って気づいたらまた朝だ |
tayorinai ashidori de dokomade tsukisusume to iu darou? guruguru onaji tokoro mawatte kidzuitara mata asa da |
How far am I supposed to go with my unsteady walk? I’m walking in circles and when I realize it, it’s morning again |
AH! You’re Dying, Crazy For Me 風邪を引かぬように暖かくします AH! You’re Dying, Quest For Me Undone 張り詰めた雲からは雨が |
AH! You’re Dying, Crazy For Me kaze wo hikanu you ni atatakaku shimasu AH! You’re Dying, Quest For Me Undone haritometa kumo kara ame ga |
AH! You’re Dying, Crazy For Me I’ll stay warm so that I don’t catch a cold AH! You’re Dying, Quest For Me Undone Then, rain pours down from the clouds |
君が笑うなら僕も笑うだろう 終わりのない冬が来ても 生き残って見せようか? 神に見捨てられ業火に焼かれて それでもいいさ 何度だって君を迎えに行くから 抱えきれないほど 花摘んで |
kimi ga warau nara boku mo waraou darou owari no nai fuyu ga kite mo ikinokotte miseyou ka? kami ni misuterare gouka ni yakarete soredemo ii sa nandomo datte kimi wo mukae ni iku kara kakaekirenai hodo hana tsunde |
If you smile, I’m going to smile too If a never-ending winter were to come Shall I show you how to survive? I’ve been abandoned by God and burning in hell But I don’t care, because I’ll always come and pick you up Holding so many flowers I can barely carry them |
遠い遠い記憶だ 歌いたかったはずだ 嗚呼もう忘れそうだ でもまだここで脈を打つ |
tooi tooi kioku da utaitakatta hazu da aa mou wasuresou da demo mada koko de myaku wo utsu |
It’s such a far, distant memory I thought you wanted to sing Ah, I’m about to forget it But right now, my heart is still beating |
AH! ダレシモ Crazy For Me 今日の調子は皆さん如何かな? AH! ダレシモ Quest For Me Undying あまり無理をせずやりましょう! |
AH! dareshimo crazy for me kyou no choushi ha mina san ikaga kana? AH! dareshimo quest for me undying amari muri wo sezu yarimashou! |
AH! Everybody is crazy for me How is everyone feeling today? AH! Everybody is on a quest for me undying Let’s do this, but don’t push yourself! |
きみを忘れてもぼくは連れてくよ 孤独の果て 虚数の海 時が止まってしまっても お腹が空いたら 何か食べに行こう この心臓を捧げてもいいきみと燃え尽きるのなら |
kimi wo wasuretemo boku wa tsureteku yo kodoku no hate kyosuu no umi toki ga tomatteshimatte mo onaka ga suitara nanika tabe ni yukou kono shinzo wo sasagete mo ii kimi to moetsukiru no nara |
Even if I were to forget you I’d still come with you Through solitude, the Dirac sea And even if time itself were to stop Let’s go eating something if you’re hungry I’ll sacrifice my heart for you if it means I’ll burn with you |
君が泣くのなら全力で笑わす 何を言えば 伝わるかな もどかしいなこの恋は 悪魔に憑かれて闇に飲まれても ただ生きるんだ前を向くんだ それだけが取り柄だから |
kimi ga naku no nara zenryoku de warawasu nani wo ieba tsutawaru kana modokashii na kono koi wa akuma ni tsukarete yami ni nomarete mo tada ikirunda mae wo mukunda soredake ga torie dakara |
If you cry, I’ll do my best and make you smile I wonder how I should tell you this This is such a frustrating love Even if I were possessed by a demon and swallowed by darkness I’d be alive and I’d go on Because that’s worth it |
星が瞬く 静かに 語り継がれいつか神話に 祝福をあげる |
hoshi ga mabataku shizuka ni katari tsugare itsuka shinwa ni shukufuku wo ageru |
The stars twinkle, silently I give my blessing to this legend that one day Will be told |