R Roselia |
礎なるOne's Intention 歌は凛々しく 百花繚乱 輝かしきOne's Intention (Shout out!)鮮烈に示すわ (Shout out!)私たちの声で (Shout out!)世界の (Shout out!)果てまで 高らかに響けForever… Never End!Never End!Never End! 'W E A R E' 抱く意志が導くまま 夢をヒトサジ 掬い取って 纏う姿は毅然とし 飛び交う闇を跳ねのける (R R R R R) 一糸乱れないオーラ (R R R R R) 崩れはしないの (Shout out!)激情は目覚ましく (Shout out!)影を洗う光が (Shout out!)何時でも (Shout out!)何処でも 己を照らしゆくわ 天に示すOne's Intention(雲突き抜けて) 絢爛たるOne's Intention(高らかに今) 永遠に止まない想い 選ぶわ 正しい明日を 'Rose'shouts so loud! 薫り高く(Showing, Showing up!) 未来永劫 咲き誇るのよ 極限を辿りながらも その時々の熱を持って 望んだ場所へ進むだけ 道は既に開かれてる (R R R R R) 織り成すメッセージ (R R R R R) 華麗に掲げて (Shout out!)ありのまま踊るわ (Shout out!)愛を知る瞳で (Shout out!)覚悟が (Shout out!)背中を 押し続けてくれるの 偽りなきOne's Intention(前を見据えて) 刻みつけるOne's Intention(色濃く深く) 最後まで離さないまま 一途に駆け抜けるの 'Rose'shouts so loud! 華々しく(Showing, Showing up!) 未来永劫 咲き誇るのよ 喜怒哀楽 どんな台詞も 私たちが生んだスピリット 一片ずつ繋がり合って 折れない翼へと育った 礎なるOne's Intention(唯一無二の) 輝かしきOne's Intention(汚されないと) 天に示すOne's Intention(雲突き抜けて) 絢爛たるOne's Intention(高らかに今) 永遠に止まない想い 選ぶわ 正しい明日を 'Rose'shouts so loud! 薫り高く(Showing, Showing up!) 未来永劫 咲き誇るのよ 絆の薔薇よ 美しく(華ひらくとき) 私たちのモノガタリが(また始まるの…) |
Ishizuenaru One's Intention Uta wa ririshiku hyakkaryōran Kagayakashiki One's Intention (Shout out!) Senretsu ni shimesu wa (Shout out!) Watashitachi no koe de (Shout out!) Sekai no (Shout out!) Hate made Takaraka ni hibike Forever... Never End! Never End! Never End! "W E A R E" Idaku ishi ga michibiku mama Yume wo hitosaji sukui totte Matou sugata wa kizen toshi Tobikau yami wo hane nokeru (R R R R R) Isshimidarenai ōra (R R R R R) Kuzure wa shinai no (Shout out!) Gekijō wa mezamashiku (Shout out!) Kage wo arau hikari ga (Shout out!) Itsudemo (Shout out!) Dokodemo Onore wo terashi yuku wa Ten ni shimesu One's Intention (Kumo tsukinukete) Kenrantaru One's Intention (Takaraka ni ima) Eien ni yamanai omoi Erabu wa tadashī asu wo "Rose" shouts so loud! Kaori takaku (Showing, Showing up!) Mirai eigō sakihokoru no yo Kyokugen wo tadori nagara mo Sono tokidoki no netsu wo motte Nozonda basho e susumu dake Michi wa sunde ni hirakareteru (R R R R R) Orinasu messēji (R R R R R) Karei ni kakagete (Shout out!) Ari no mama odoru wa (Shout out!) Ai wo shiru hitomi de (Shout out!) Kakugo ga (Shout out!) Senaka wo Oshi tsuzukete kureru no Itsuwari naki One's Intention (Mae wo misuete) Kizamitsukeru One's Intention (Irokoku fukaku) Saigo made hanasanai mama Ichizu ni kakenukeru no "Rose" shouts so loud! Hanabanashiku (Showing, Showing up!) Mirai eigō sakihokoru no yo Kidoairaku donna serifu mo Watashitachi ga unda supiritto Hitohira zutsu tsunagari atte Orenai tsubasa e to sodatta Ishizuenaru One's Intention (yuiitsu muni no) Kagayakashiki One's Intention (yogosarenai to) Ten ni shimesu One's Intention (Kumo tsukinukete) Kenrantaru One's Intention (Takaraka ni ima) Eien ni yamanai omoi Erabu wa tadashī asu wo "Rose" shouts so loud! Kaori takaku (Showing, Showing up!) Mirai eigō sakihokoru no yo Kizuna no bara yo utsukushiku (Hana hiraku toki) Watashitachi no monogatari ga (Mata hajimaru no...) |
It's our roots, one's intention Our song is gallant, like thousands flowers blooming It's dazzling, one's intention (Shout out!) I'll show you clearly (Shout out!) That with our voice (Shout out!) We can go on until (Shout out!) The end of the world Resound loudly forever... Never End! Never End! Never End! "W E A R E" As the will you embraced guides you Take your dreams all at one time Clad yourself with firmness And push away the darkness floating here (R R R R R) Our auras synchronized (R R R R R) Will not fall apart (Shout out!) This passion is stunning (Shout out!) And this light that washes away shadows (Shout out!) Always (Shout out!) Anywhere Shines upon us Pointing at the heaven one's intention (piercing the clouds) A gorgeous one's intention (now loud) My unstoppable feelings in the eternity Choose the right tomorrow "Rose" shouts so loud! Gently perfuming (Showing, Showing up!) Blooming fully, the eternity Though you're pursuing your limits Take the passion of that moment And walk on towards the place you seek The path is already there (R R R R R) An interweaved message (R R R R R) I hoist with magnificence (Shout out!) I'll dance like always (Shout out!) With eyes that know love (Shout out!) I'll be ready (Shout out!) Because You'll keep pushing my back With no lies is one's intention (look behind you) Engraved is one's intention (strongly deeply) Don't leave until the end And run through determined "Rose" shouts so loud! Splendidly (Showing, Showing up!) Blooming fully, the eternity Emotions and every phrase is part of The spirit we gave birth to And every single piece of it is united together And raised to be our unbreakable wings It's our roots, one's intention (one and only) It's dazzling, one's intention (don't let it become dirty) Pointing at the heaven one's intention (piercing the clouds) A gorgeous one's intention (now loud) My unstoppable feelings in the eternity Choose the right tomorrow "Rose" shouts so loud! Gently perfuming (Showing, Showing up!) Blooming fully, the eternity The bonds of the rose are beautiful (when it blooms) Our story is (yet to begin...) |