Anata no Omimi ni Plug In! Earphones + Yoko Ishida + Rui Negai (Sore ga Seiyuu! ED) Part 2 |
応援メッセージ募集中! まだまだ新米なんですイヤホンズ 達筆なお葉書届いています |
Taking supportive messages anytime! We're Earphones, still newbies We're receiving well-written cards! |
ouen MESSEEJI boshuuchuu! madamada shinmai nandesu IYAHONZU tappitsu a ohagaki todoiteimasu |
「いつも楽しく聞かせて頂いております 体に気をつけて頑張るんだよ… ってこれお父さんの字じゃない!イヤー!」 |
"Yes, I'm having fun bringing everyone this program I'll take care of myself and do my best... Wait, this isn't my dad's number! Noo!" |
"itsumo tanoshiku kikasete itadaite orimasu karada ni ki o tsukete ganbarunda yo... tte kore otousan no ji janai! IYAA!" |
毎週お元気頂いています みんなの声がエネルギー 頑張ってお返ししちゃうよ 楽しい時間をプレゼント |
We're receiving energy every day All of your voices give us power We'll do our best to return the favor A present of fun times for you |
maishuu ogenki itadaiteimasu minna no koe ga ENERUGII ganbatte okaeshi shichau yo tanoshii jikan o PUREZENTO |
独り寂しいロンリーナイト でもお耳の中はパーティータイム いつもここで待っているよ ここがキミの耳のふるさと |
You may be alone on a lonely night But inside your ears it's party time We're always waiting here for you This is where your ears belong |
hitori sabishii RONRII NAITO demo omimi no naka wa PAATII TAIMU itsumo koko de matteiru yo koko ga KIMI no mimi no furusa to |
「【コマクちゃんたちからの挑戦状!】 今週もリスナーすなわち[コマクちゃん]達からの クイズに挑戦してもらいましょう! それでは東京都[いたわり戦隊]さんからの出題! Q.魚編に弱いと書いて鰯(イワシ) では魚編に毛と書いてなんと読む?」 |
" 'Eardrums' Challenge Corner!' From our listeners, or eardrums, we've received quiz questions to challenge ourselves with!" Here's our question from 'Sympathy Squad' from Tokyo! Q. When you combine the characters for 'fish' and 'weak' you get 'sardine,' so what do you get with 'fish' and 'hair?' " |
" "KOMAKU-chan tachi kara no chousenjou!" konshuu mo RISUNAA sunawachi [KOMAKU-chan] tachi kara no KUIZU ni chousen shite morai mashou! soredewa toukyouto [itawari sentai]san kara no shutsudai! Q. sakanahen ni yowai to kaite IWASHI dewa sakanahen ni ke to kaite nanto yomu?" |
「サバ!」 「ハモ?」 「ドジョウ!」 「うつぼ?」 |
"Conger eel?" "Loach!" "Moray?" |
"SABA!" "HAMO?" "DOJOU!" "utsubo?" |
「A.正解は魹(トド)でしたー」 「わかるかーっ!」 |
"A. The answer is a Steller's sea lion" "How am I supposed to know?!" |
"A. sekai wa TODO deshitaa" "wakaru kaa!" |
お悩み相談受付中 お試しに軽い気持ちでどうぞ 思わぬ解決あるかもね? |
We're taking advice queries Feel free to try it out We might have a solution you haven't thought of yet? |
onayami soudan uketsukechuu otameshi ni karui kimochi de douzo omowanu kaiketsu aru kamo ne? |
「さて今週のお悩み紹介します ラジオネーム[ばべじ]さん、 "高校の試験勉強にどうしても集中できません、 勉強がはかどるアドバイスがあったら教えてください!"」 |
"So then, this week's question
From radio name 'Babeji,' 'I can't seem to get anywhere when I'm studying for my high school exams, if you have any advice for making progress while studying please tell me!" |
"sate konshuu no onayami shoukai shimasu
RAJIO NEEMU [babeji]san, 'koukou no shiken benkyou ni doushitemo shuuchuu dekimasen, benkyou ga hakadoru ADOBAISU ga attara oshiete kudasai!' " |
「高校生ねー」 「試験勉強かー」 「あたし高校生の時、前日に夜更かしして勉強して、 試験当日遅刻しちゃいそうになったことあるなー」 「徹夜で勉強なんて双葉には無理そうね」 「いちごは遅刻とかあんまりしなかった?」 「たまにしちゃったけど、 あたしは遅刻しそうになった時は いっつもお父さんが軽トラで学校まで… ななななーんてね!執事がいちごリムジンで 学校まで送ってくれましたわ!」 「はははいちごリムジンってなにそれー」 「あのう…悩み相談は…」 |
"A high school student!"
"Studying for exams, huh..." "When I was in high school, I would stay up late the night before studying, and then I would end up almost being late on the day of the exam" "You don't seem like the type to stay up late studying, Futaba" "Were you late often, Ichigo?" "I was sometimes, but when it looked like I was going to be late, my dad would always take me in his truck... W-w-w-wait, no! My butler took me in my strawberry limousine!" "Hahaha, a strawberry limousine?" "Umm... what about the advice..." |
"koukousei nee"
"shiken benkyou kaa" "atashi koukousei no toki, zenjitsu ni yofukashi shite benkyou shite, shiken toujitsu chikoku shichai souni natta koto aru naa" "tetsuya de benkyou nante futaba ni wa muri sou ne" "ichigo wa chikoku toka anmari shinakatta?" "tama ni shichatta kedo, atashi wa chikooku shisou ni natta toki wa ittsumo otousan ga kei TORA de gakkou made... nanananaante ne! shitsuji ga ichigo RIMUJIN de gakkou made okutte kuremashita wa!" "hahaha ichigo RIMUJIN tte nani soree" "anou... nayami soudan wa..." |
今夜キミを迎えに行くよ お耳の鍵は開けといてね 毎週鼓膜にそよ風を あなたのお耳にプラグイン! |
We're coming to visit you tonight so leave the door to your ears unlocked Sending a gentle breeze to your eardrums every week, we're plugging in to your ears! |
kon'ya KIMI o mukae ni iku yo omimi no kagi wa aketoite ne maishuu komaku ni soyokaze o anata no omimi ni PURAGUIN! |
3,2,1 Go!! | 3, 2, 1 Go!! |
心がしょんぼりしても キミを耳からドーピング みんなで作ろう魔法の時間 7回寝たらまた逢えるね 聴き逃したりしないで あなたのお耳にプラグイン! |
Even if you're feeling downhearted We'll deliver a doping through your ears Let's all make a magical time Once you've slept seven more nights, we'll see you again Don't forget to tune in We're plugging in to your ears! |
kokoro ga shonbori shitemo KIMI o mimi kara DOOPINGU minna de tsukurou mahou no jikan nanakai netara mata aeru ne kiki nogashitari shinaide anata no omimi ni PURAGUIN! |
それでは皆さんまた来週 おやすみなさい | See you again next week! Good night! |
soredewa minasan mata raishuu oyasuminasai |