Аудио 108

Вернемся к глаголу
EN to go
RU идти

"Ты идешь, ты пошел, ты пойдешь"
EN you go, you went, you will go

"Ты идешь, ты ходил (ты был ходившим), ты пойдешь"
EN you go, you were going, you will go

"Он, она, оно идет"
EN he goes, she goes, it goes

RU Он, она, оно пошел
EN he went, she went, it went

RU Он, она, оно пойдет
EN he will go, she will go, it will go

"Он ходил, она ходила, оно ходило (было ходившим)"
EN he was going, she was going, it was going

Подразумевается, что действие уже завершилось. Что он был когда-то ходившим (куда-то) а сейчас уже не ходит. Он ходил (раньше).

"Мы идем, мы пошли, мы пойдем"
EN we go, we went, we will go

"Мы идем, мы ходили (или мы собирались сделать), мы пойдем"
EN we go, we were going (to do something), we will go

"вы идете, вы пошли, вы пойдете"
EN you go, you went, you will go

"вы идете, вы ходили (или собирались сделать), вы пойдете"
EN you go, you were going, you will go

EN you we going
"вы были ходившими", "вы ходили", "вы собирались", "вы собираетесь" сделать что-то

"они идут, они пошли, они пойдут"
EN they go, they went, they will go

"они идут, они ходили, они пойдут"
EN they go, they were going, they will go

EN they were going
"они ходили" или "они были ходившими" или "они собирались сделать"

EN they went
EN they went

"Они ходили"
EN they were going
EN they were going


Аудио 109

31. Dialog thirty one. Thirty first dialog.

Do you know, we are going to go to the disco. Are you with us?
Ha! Maybe! I went to my friends last night, and I was exhausted as hell!
By the way, Anthony will come to the disco also!
Anthony! Oh, I will go, I will come, I will!

They were visiting the theatre last summer.
Are they were watching "Notre Dame de Paris?"
No, no. Just old good "Metro".

Michael, stop drumming with your fingers!
Yes, ma'am.
Michael, stop humming this stupid tune.
Yes, ma'am.
Michael, go the hell out of here! Totally!
Yes, ma'am.

Аудио 110

EN to do

EN to do
RU делать
относится к вспомогательным глаголам, используется для образования различных временных форм и идиоматических выражений.

Проспрягаем его.
RU я делаю, я делал, я сделаю (буду делать)
EN I do, I was doing, I will do 

RU У меня было все хорошо
EN I was doing well
EN I was doing well

RU Я делал добро
EN I was doing good
EN I was doing good

EN Listen and repeat
RU У меня было все хорошо вчера
RU Я делал добро ему

EN I was doing well yesterday
EN I was doing good to him

EN I was doing well yesterday
EN I was doing good to him

RU У меня было все хорошо вчера
EN I was doing well yesterday
буквально "я был делающим хорошо" или "я был делающим отлично"

RU Я делал добро ему
EN I was doing good to him

EN I was doing well yesterday
EN I was doing good to him


Продолжим спрягать
EN to do
RU делать

RU ты делаешь сегодня, ты сделал вчера, ты сделаешь завтра
EN you do it today
EN you did it yesterday
EN you will do it tomorrow

RU сегодня, вчера, завтра
EN today, yesterday, tomorrow
EN today, yesterday, tomorrow

EN tomorrow
RU завтра

RU он делает это обычно в воскресение
EN he does this usually at Sunday

RU он делал это в понедельник
EN he was doing this at Monday

RU он будет делать это во вторник
EN he will do it at Tuesday

EN usually
RU обычно

EN Sunday is the first day of the week. Sunday celebrates the sun god.
RU воскресение - первый день недели. День Солнца. Прославляет бога-солнце.

EN Sunday is the first day of the week. Sunday celebrates the sun god.
now, try to repeat
EN Sunday is the first day of the week. Sunday celebrates the sun god.

EN Monday is the second day of the week, day of Moon goddess.
RU понедельник - второй день недели, день богини Луны

EN Monday is the second day of the week, day of Moon goddess.
try to repeat
EN Monday is the second day of the week, day of Moon goddess.

EN Tuesday is the third day of the week. Dedicated to the gods of Mars, gods of War, Tyr or Tir.
RU вторник - третий день английской недели. Посвящен богам Марса, богам войны. Тир, бог войны Тир.

EN Tuesday is the third day of the week. Dedicated to the gods of Mars, gods of War, Tyr or Tir.
try to repeat
EN Tuesday is the third day of the week. Dedicated to the gods of Mars, gods of War, Tyr or Tir.

RU воскресение - первый
RU понедельник - второй
RU вторник - третий

EN Sunday - first
EN Monday - second
EN Tuesday - third

repeat once more

EN Sunday - first
EN Monday - second
EN Tuesday - third

EN Sunday
EN Monday
EN Tuesday

EN first
EN second
EN third


Аудио 111

Продолжаем изучать глагол

EN to do
RU делать

RU она сделала, она была делающей
EN she did
EN she was doing

RU она делала, она делала, она сделала это!
EN she was doing, she was doing
EN she did it!
EN yes, she did it!
EN She was doing, she was doing, she did it! Yes, she did it!

RU мы делаем, мы делали в среду, мы будем делать в четверг
EN we do
EN we were doing it at Wednesday
EN we will do it at Thursday

EN we do
EN we were doing
EN we will do

EN Wednesday, the fourth day of the week. The name derives  from Woden (Odin), chief god of Norse.
RU Среда - четвертый день недели. Это имя происходит от Водин, Один, бог-шеф Севера

EN Wednesday, the fourth day of the week. This name derives  from Woden (Odin), chief god of Norse.
EN Wednesday, the fourth day of the week. This name derives  from Woden (Odin), chief god of Norse.

EN Thursday is the fifth day of the week. Thor, the god of strength and thunder.
RU Четверг - пятый день недели. Тор, бог силы и грома.

EN Thursday is the fifth day of the week. Thor, the god of strength and thunder.
try to repeat
EN Thursday is the fifth day of the week. Thor, the god of strength and thunder.

RU сила и гром
EN strength and thunder
EN strength and thunder
EN strength and thunder

listen and repeat

RU Среда - четвертый
RU Четверг - пятый день
EN Wednesday - fourth
EN Thursday - fifth

one more time

EN Wednesday - fourth
EN Thursday - fifth

EN Wednesday
EN Thursday

EN fourth
EN fifth

EN Wednesday
EN Thursday

EN fourth
EN fifth

EN strength and thunder


Аудио 112

32. Dialog thirty two. Thirty second dialog.

I was doing really well, until this horrible Timur came!
What he has done to you, my baby? Was he rude?
No, he just ignored me, as if I were an empty place.
God! These men are so undurable, so ephemeral.

I was doing good services to my grandmother and grandfather.
What have you done to them?
I swept the floor, dusted the furniture and received twenty dollars!
You were doing really well. For them, you are hero!

I was doing well yesterday.
I thought I was doing good to him.
I was doing really well.
I was doing good to him.

Was he doing well at the exams?
No, I don't think so.
I think, they were a good lesson for him.
Well, perhaps.


Аудио 113

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