Russian for English speakers 1951



Russian for English speakers 26



Павел Смеян - 33 коровы

33 cows
В центре города большого,
Где травинки не растет,
Жил поэт, волшебник слова,
Вдохновенный рифмоплет.
Рифмовал он что попало,
Просто выбился из сил,
И в деревню на поправку,
Где коровы щиплют травку,
Отдыхать отправлен был.

At the center of a big city
Where there's not a single blade of grass grows ("not a grassy grows")
Lived a poet, word's wizard
Inspirational (to himself, "of inspiration") rhymer ("rhyme weaver').
He rhymed whatever he saw ("what catches"),
Just couldn't do it no more ("broke out of his forces")
And, to the country side, to recover his health
Where cows are grazing the grass,
He was sent to rest

Тридцать три коровы,
Тридцать три коровы,
Тридцать три коровы -
Свежая строка.
Тридцать три коровы,
Стих родился новый,
Как стакан парного молока.

33 cows
33 cows
33 cows
Fresh line
33 cows
New verse is born
Like a glass of fresh ("of steam") milk

В пять утра вставал он ровно,
Это было нелегко.
Он читал стихи коровам -
Те давали молоко.
День за днем промчалось лето,
Очень вырос наш поэт,
Ведь молочная диета
Благотворна для поэтов,
Если им всего шесть лет.
He was getting up at five precisely
This wasn't easy
He read (his) verses to cows
Those gave (him) milk
Day by day, summer raced away
Out poet "very grew up" (grew up a lot)
Cause indeed milk diet
Is beneficial to the poets
"If them only six years" (if they are only six)

Lesson 26




74 - семьдесят четыре

seventy four


75 - семьдесят пять

seventy five


76 - семьдесят шесть

seventy six


77 - семьдесят семь

seventy seven


78 - семьдесят восемь

seventy eight


79 - семьдесят девять

seventy nine


Двадцать шестой (26-й) урок

Twenty sixth lesson



Lesson number twenty six (#26)

  На вокзале. At [on] the station
1 Проклятый извозчик,
я уверен, что мы опоздали (1).
Accursed cabman,
I (am) sure that we are late [became-late].

Всё равно, Гриша (2);
не один поезд, так другой.

No matter [all indifferent] Grisha,
if it is not one train, it's the other


[not (a) train, so (an)other].


AK: This means:
It's not important, Grisha. This train or another, we will board it.

3 Идите купить билеты
и спросите,
Go (and) take [buy] the tickets
and ask
  в котором часу (3) идёт поезд на Москву (4). at what time starts a train to [on] Moscow.

Не умею с ними объясниться (N. 4),

I cannot explain-myself with them [with them explain].

AK: i.e. I cannot talk with them.
Go you, yourself.

   идите сами (5), Go yourself.

а пока я сажусь

and meanwhile I will sit down
  и жду вас здесь с багажом. (6) and wait [I sit and wait] for you here with the luggage.

Ну и вот ..

Well, it's done [and here it is] !
  Я был в кассе (7). I have-been (was) at the booking-office.
7 Взять два места не так просто. Taking two seats [places] is not so simple.
8 А мы не опоздали: But we are not late [not became-late];
  поезд в семь часов. the train is at 7 o'clock [hours].

Значит, нам ждать ещё полчаса;

(That) means we have to wait [ for us wait] half-an-hour still;
    AK: Meaning "Then, we have to wait..."
10 мы успеем пойти в буфет. we have-the-time to go to the refreshment-room.
    AK: Meaning "We have time to go to a buffet (snacks room)"
11 С удовольствием; мне хочется пить. With pleasure, I am thirsty
    [for me (it) feels-like drinking].
12 А я голоден; пойдём. And [but] I am hungry; let's go.
13 Я умею; я имею; я успею. I know or can; I possess; I have-time.

AK: Я умею means "I know how to do"
Я успею ~ I'll be fast enough to do this


Вы умеете; вы имеете; вы успеете.

You know or can; you possess; you have-time.

AK: Вы умеете means "You pl. know how to do"
Вы имеете = You pl. have
Вы успеете = You pl. will be in time (you'll do/arrive in time)


Идите, пойдём, спросите; я был.

Go; let's go; ask; I was.

AK: Идите! is a command - Go! (you pl).



1 Боюсь, что я не успею объясниться. I fear that I have not the time to explain-myself.

AK: Correct translation is
"I'm afraid, that I will not have the time to explain-myself."

2 Вы не умеете с ними говорить как следует. You do not know (how) to speak to them in the right way
    [as (it) requires or suits].

AK: Meaning "You don't know how to talk to him the right way"
уметь = to know how to do

3  В котором часу ваш поезд? At what time is your train?

AK: Literally "at what hour (accusative)"

4 Он сам мне сказал, что не знает. He told me himself that he did [does] not know.
5 Поезд кажется опоздал на пять часов. The train, it seems, is five hours late.
    AK: The Russian wording implies that train has arrived late.
6  Мне больше ничего не хочется. I want no longer anything.

AK: meaning "I don't want anything ["nothing"] any longer"


Они ждут нас на вокзале.

They wait-for us at [on] the station.
8  Не хочется-ли вам пойти со мною? Do you not want to go with me?

 Не хочется ли вам пойти со мной?

AK: It's something like "Don't you want to come with me?"
9 Да, пойду с удовольствием. Yes, I will go with pleasure.




Опоздать corresponds to to become late, which explains its use in the preterit ;
я опоздал, I am late, I have become late.

It's totally and irrevocably completed action:
я опоздал - "At this present time I'm already late"


Гриша, familiar for Григорий, Gregory.


The time (hour) is час;
you find it in часу, часа, часов;
we have seen сейчас, now, at once, at this hour,
and полчаса [пол часа], half-hour.

часу = to an hour (dative, [to give] to an hour )
часа = an hour [accusative]
часов = of hours [accusative plural]

сейчас = сей час = this hour
meanings: 1) now, present time
2) at this hour
3) at one or right now


Proper names are also declined;
hence Москву, instead of Москва (masskva).

Москву = the Moscow (accusative)
Москва = the Moscow (nominative)


Я сам, I myself;
вы сами, you yourself or yourselves;
вы demands the plural, even (даже) if it represents only one person.

Я сам = I self or I alone


Nominative : багаж.

багаж = luggage or baggage


Я был, preterit of быть, to be;
касса (cf. cash) : the cashier's counter (nominative).

Я был = I was

  — You know who I am : Вы знаете, кто я.
— You know how to (can) speak Russian : Вы умеете говорить по-русски.

Tweested English Section

Don't forget to make references, as we told you (p. 60);
in the light of the following lessons, the dark corners will be gradually lighted up.
You can realize this now if you go back to the first lessons.
