Russian for English speakers 1951


Russian for English speakers ABC 04



От печали до радости (Юрий Антонов)

From sadness to joy

Мне казалось когда-то,
  что встреча не скоро,
И такой необъятной лежала Земля,
От печали до радости реки и горы,
От печали до радости леса и поля.
От печали до радости реки и горы,
От печали до радости леса и поля.

I thought once ("To me it was seeming some-time"),
  that (our) meeting (will be) not soon
And being such immense, was lying the Earth
From the sadness to the joy, (are) rivers and mountains
From the sadness to the joy, (are) forests and fields
From the sadness to the joy, (are) rivers and mountains
From the sadness to the joy, (are) forests and fields

Стать хотелось когда-то похожим на эхо,
Мчаться сквозь
  листопада беззвучную медь.
От печали до радости ехать и ехать,
От печали до радости лететь и лететь.
От печали до радости ехать и ехать,
От печали до радости лететь и лететь.

I wished, once, to become similar to the echo
To rush through
  (of) the leaves-fall soundless copper
From the sadness to the joy, to ride and to ride
From the sadness to the joy, to fly and to fly (or "to be flying")
From the sadness to the joy, to ride and to ride (or "to be riding")
From the sadness to the joy, to fly and to fly

Но не стало преграды,
  и нет расстоянья,
Наша встреча - награда, ты рядом опять.
От печали до радости - всего лишь дыханье,
От печали до радости - рукою подать,
От печали до радости - всего лишь дыханье,
От печали до радости - рукою подать!

But, there's no more obstacle ("but no became /of/ the obstacle")
  and there's no more distance
Our meeting - reward, you're near (me) again
From the sadness to the joy - nothing but breathing
From the sadness to the joy - at a hand's distance ("/with/ hand to give to")
From the sadness to the joy - only the breathing
From the sadness to the joy - close at hand




БРИГАДА, бригада


КОНСУЛ, консул konsnoL consul  
КАКАО, какао kakah-o cocoa  
МУЗЕЙ, музей moozĕi museum  
ПОЧТА, почта potsh-ta (the) post

that's either the post office or mail, letters

Я, я (1) ya I


АЛЛЕЯ, аллея


alley, walk

park lane
ФРАНЦИЯ, Франция frantsee-ia France  

БЕЛЬГИЯ, Бельгия (2)

bĕlghee-ia Belgium


АЛЬПАГА, альпага

alpaga alpaca

"альпака" - it's a type of soft wool

АВТОМОБИЛЬ, автомобиль avtòmòbeel automobile  
ПРОФЕССОР, профессор profĕssor professor  

ХАОС, хаос (3)

Ha-oss Chaos

it's capitalized in the original book, but it's really not a name

(1) Я (which looks like a reversed R) is sounded ia as in piano, but in one syllabic.
(2) Ь (the soft sign) is not actually a letter, but a sign which softens the preceding consonant.
E.g. in Бельгия, л is sounded as in lily, not as the much vibrated L of bell etc...
So in альпага and автомобиль.
(3) Х is not x but corresponds to the German hard ch, or the Spanish J.
It is a guttural sound, produced by driving the air from the bottom of the throat.
We shall note it as H.




МЕХАНИКА, механика


ХРИСТОС, Христос Hreestoss Christ  
ХРОНОМЕТР, хронометр Hrònomĕtr chronometer  
ФОТОГРАФИЯ, фотография fòtògrafee-ia

photograph, photography

ОФИЦЕР, офицер offeetsĕrr officer  
КОНЦЕРТ, концерт contsĕrrt concert  
ШАМПАНЬ, Шампань (1) shampăgn (l) Champagne

The name of the Champagne wine is "Шампанское"

АНГЛИЯ, Англия anglee-ia England  
МИНУТА, минута meenoota minute  
БАГАЖ, багаж baga(d)j

baggage, luggage

ТОВАРИЩ, товарищ (2) tòvareeshtch

tovaritch : comrade


(1) The softening sound of ь (softening sign) here transforms the final н (n) into the sound gn as in champagne, reign etc...

AK-NOTE: That's not a nasal sound. Do not close your mouth and/or do not try to -ng it, like in English words.

(2) The letter щ (shtcha) is sh + tch. To have an approximate idea of it, say quickly : a rash child.

AK-NOTE: That's a soft Ш, if you like it this way. Compare: ША / ЩЯ.

NOTE: Every letter is pronounced in Russian. Consonants must be articulated distinctly. Vowel sounds are rather soft but consonants very clear and sharp.

In particular the R must be rolled without fear of exaggeration, even at the end of words.