Grammar Reference. Unit 1.

1.2. Negatives and auxiliary verbs

To make a negative, add -n't to the auxiliary verb. If there is no auxiliary verb, use don't / doesn't / didn't.

Positive Negative
He's working He isn't working
I was thinking I wasn't thinking
We've seen the play We haven't seen the play
She works in a bank She doesn't work in a bank
They like skiing They don't like skiing
He went on holiday He didn't go on holiday

It's possible to contract the auxiliaries be and have and use the uncontracted not.

He's not playing today. = He isn't paying today.
We're not going to Italy after all. = We aren't going to Italy after all.
I've not read that book yet. = I haven' read the book yet.

I'm not working. NOT I amn't working.

1.3 Questions and auxiliary verbs

1. To make a question, invert the subject and the auxiliary verb. If there is no auxiliary verb, use do/does/did.

She's wearing jeans. What is she wearing?
You aren't working. Why aren't you working?
You were born in Paris. Where were you born?
Peter's been to China. Has Peter been to China?
We have been studying. Have you been studying?
I know you. Do I know you?
He wants ice-cream. What does he want?
They didn't go out. Why didn't they go out?

2. There is usually no do/does/did in subject question.

Who wants ice-cream? What flavour ice-cream do you want?
What happened to your eye? What did you do to your eye?
Who broke the window? How did you break the window?


1.4 Short answers and auxiliary verbs

Short answers are very common in spoken English. If you say Yes or No, it can sound rude. We use short answer after Yes/No questions. To make short answer, repeat auxiliary verb. In the Present and Past Simple, use do/does/did.

  Short answer
Are you coming with us? Yes, I am.
Have you had breakfast? No, I haven't.
Kate likes walking. No, she doesn't. She hates it.
Mary didn't phone. Yes, she did. You were out.
Don't forget to write. No, I wont.