Английский - От фонетики до живой речи. 1000 слов
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JRR Tolkien
Hobbit - read by Nichol Williamson

"Light!" he cried. "Can anybody make a light?"
The dwarves, of course, were very alarmed when Bilbo fell forward down the step with a bump into the hall, and they sat huddled just where he had left them at the end the tunnel.
"Sh! sh!" they hissed, when they heard his voice: and though that helped the hobbit to find out where they were, was some time before he could get anything else out of them. But in the end, when Bilbo actually began to stamp in the floor, and screamed out light! at the top of his thrill voice, Thorin gave way, and Oin and Gloin were sent back to their bundles at the top of the tunnel. After a while a twinkling gleam showed them returning, in with a small pine-torch alight in his hand, and Gloin with a bundle of others under his arm. Quickly Bilbo trotted to the door and took the torch; but he could not persuade the dwarves to light the others or to come and join him yet. As Thorin carefully explained, Mr. Baggins was still officially their expert burglar and investigator. If he liked to risk a light, that was his affair. They would wait in the tunnel for his report. So they sat near the door and watched.
They saw the little dark shape of the hobbit start across the floor holding his tiny light aloft. Every now and again, while he was still near enough, they caught a glint and a tinkle as he stumbled on some golden thing. The light grew smaller as he wandered away into the vast hall; then it began to rise dancing into the air. Bilbo was climbing the great mound of treasure. Soon he stood upon the top, and still went on. Then they saw him halt and stoop for a moment; but they did not know the reason. It was the Arkenstone, the Heart of the Mountain. So Bilbo guessed from Thorin's description; but indeed there could not be two such gems, even in so marvellous a hoard, even in all the world. Ever as he climbed, the same white gleam had shone before him and drawn his feet towards Slowly it grew to a little globe of pallid light. Now as came near, it was tinged with a flickering sparkle of man colours at the surface, reflected and splintered from the wavering light of his torch. At last he looked down upon it and he caught his breath. The great jewel shone before he feet of its own inner light, and yet, cut and fashioned by the dwarves, who had dug it from the heart of the mountain long ago, it took all light that fell upon it and-changes it into ten thousand sparks of white radiance shot with glints of the rainbow.
Suddenly Bilbo's arm went towards it drawn by it enchantment. His small hand would not close about it for it was a large and heavy gem; but he lifted it, shut his eyes, and put it in his deepest pocket.
"Now I am a burglar indeed!" thought he. "But I suppose I must tell the dwarves about it-some time. The did say I could pick and choose my own share; and I think I would choose this, if they took all the rest!" All the same he had an uncomfortable feeling that the picking and choosing had not really been meant to include this marvelous gem, and that trouble would yet come of it. Now he went on again. Down the other side of the great mound he climbed, and the spark of his torch vanished from the sight of the watching dwarves. But soon they saw it far away in the distance again. Bilbo was crossing the floor of the hall.
He went on, until he came to the great doors at the further side, and there a draught of air refreshed him, but it almost puffed out his light. He peeped timidly through and caught a glimpse of great passages and of the dim beginnings of wide stairs going up into the gloom. And still there was no sight nor sound of Smaug. He was just going to turn and go back, when a black shape swooped at him and brushed his face. He squeaked and started, stumbled backwards and fell. His torch dropped head downwards and went out!
"Only a bat, I suppose and hope!" he said miserably. But now what am I to do? Which is East, South, North West?"
"Thorin! Balin! Oin! Gloin! Fill! Kili!" he cried as loud he could-it seemed a thin little noise in the wide blackness. "The light's gone out! Someone come and find and help me!" For the moment his courage had failed together.
Faintly the dwarves heard his small cries, though the only word they could catch was 'help!'
"Now what on earth or under it has happened?" said Thorin. "Certainly not the dragon, or he would not go on squeaking."
They waited a moment or two, and still there were no dragon-noises, no sound at all in fact but Bilbo's distant voice. "Come, one of you, get another light or two!" Thorin ordered. "It seems we have got to go and help our burglar."
"It is about our turn to help," said Balin, "and I am quite willing to go. Anyway I expect it is safe for the moment."
Gloin lit several more torches, and then they all crept out, one by one, and went along the wall as hurriedly as they could. It was not long before they met Bilbo himself coming back towards them. His wits had quickly returned soon as he saw the twinkle of their lights.
"Only a bat and a dropped torch, nothing worse!" he said in answer to their questions. Though they were much relieved, they were inclined to be grumpy at being frightened for nothing; but what they would have said, if he had told them at that moment about the Arkenstone, I don't know. The mere fleeting glimpses of treasure which they had caught as they went along had rekindled all the fire of their dwarvish hearts; and when the heart of a dwarf, even the most respectable, is wakened by gold and by jewels, he grows suddenly bold, and he may become fierce.
The dwarves indeed no longer needed any urging. All were now eager to explore the hall while they had the chance, and willing to believe that, for the present, Smaug was away from home. Each now gripped a lighted torch; and as they gazed, first on one side and then on another, they forgot fear and even caution. They spoke aloud, and cried out to one another, as they lifted old treasures from the mound or from the wall and held them in the light caressing and fingering them. Fili and Kili were almost in merry mood, and finding still hanging there many golden harps strung with silver they took them and struck them; and being magical (and also untouched by the dragon, who had small interests in music) they were still in tune. The dark hall was filled with a melody that had long been silent. But most of the dwarves were more practical; they gathered gems and stuffed their pockets, and let what they could not carry far back through their fingers with a sigh. Thorin was not least among these; but always he searched from side to side for something which he could not find. It was the Arkenstone but he spoke of it yet to no one.

Lesson 029

here - здесь, сюда
Here we are! -
Вот мы и пришли! (here - "усилитель")

"You didn't fly me here from Denver on an Air Force jet just to talk old times," said Hagen.
"Вы ведь не привезли ("прилетели") меня сюда из Денвера на военном самолёте, чтобы просто поболтать о прошлом", сказал Хаген.

That's the right number, but I've worked here for six years and I ain't never heard of no Clyde.
Это верный номер, но я работаю здесь шесть лет, и я не никогда не слыхал о никаком Клиде.

You must understand, our work here is highly classified.
Ты должен понимать, наша работа ("работа здесь") строго засекречена.

hill - возвышение, возвышенность, холм
steep hill - крутой холм; крутой подъем

The house stood on a hill.
Дом стоял на холме.

The main building sat on a low hill above a tennis court and a swimming pool.
Центральный корпус находился (основное строение сидело) на небольшом возвышении (низком холме) над теннисным кортом и плавательным бассейном.

a hit
  - толчок, удар ; удача, успех
direct hit - прямое попадание
smashing hit - блестящий успех
to hit - бить, ударять

"They were damaged" ... "By a hit from a rocket," Yasenin finished.
Они были повреждены" ... "Попаданием ракеты", Ясенин заключил.

Thirty minutes later, they hit the atmosphere shortly before Hawaii.
Тридцать минут спустя, они вошли в атмосферу недалеко от Гавайи.

- дом, жилище, приют
retirement home - дом престарелых

"Good luck, Gettysburg. Come home safe. Out."
"Удачи, Геттисбурн. Возвращайся домой невредимым. Конец."

They were forty minutes away from reaching home free.
Они были за сорок минут от достижения дома свободными (чтобы счастливо добраться домой).

- надежда
to hope
- надеяться, верить

I hope so.
There's no hope.
Я надеюсь (на это). Нет надежды.

- лошадь
horsepower - лошадиная сила

Teddy Roosevelt sat astride a horse in a portrait painted in Paris by Tade Styka.
Тедди Рузвельт сидел верхом на лошади на портрете, нарисованном в Париже Тедом Стиком.

They were piling up higher and more steeply, the wind hurling the foaming white horse at the peaks into the next trough.
Они вздымались (на волнах) (всё) выше и круче, ветер швырял пенящуюся белую лошадь на пиках в следующую впадину.

water  - вода
to water - поливать, смачивать

So much water around.
Так много воды вокруг.

Her hull was settled deep in the water a good foot over her Plimsoll mark.
Корпус корабля ("её корпус") сидел глубоко в воде, добрый фут глубже ("глубже её плимсол-отметки") грузовой марки.

Her mouth waters at the sight of popcorn.
У нее текут слюнки при виде попкорна.

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Grammar Reference - заключительная компонента всего проекта "Английский - от фонетики до живой речи". Рекомендую приобрести программы, ставшие стандартом в области обучения иностранным языкам - их необходимо использовать, если вы хотите максимально быстро изучить Английский.

Выделением отмечены компоненты, которые вы получаете через эту рассылку или могли бы использовать, будь у вас МЛТР. Занимаясь по часу в день, за год вполне реально освоить язык до уровня 5 - чтобы понимать на слух аудиокниги и читать книги со словарём.

Уровень Тренировка догадливости Аудио-практика Обучение чтению Обучение письму Обучение общению


Игра "распознай звук"

Знакомство со звуками и простыми словами

    Умение показать пальцем (self-explanatory :)
1 Игра "угадай картинку" Изучение первых слов, с картинками     Простейшие диалоги

Знакомство с несколькими голосами и акцентами

Изучение простых фраз. Курс 1000 слов. Проработка диалогов - курс Oxford Platinum   Диалоги

Предположения о значениях слова в предложении

Прослушивание текста и одновременное чтение - раздел "Что почитать и послушать" London Course

Знакомство со словарём "Lingvo"

Изучение транскрипции

Курс "Живой Английский"

Простые аудиокниги - слушать и видеть текст, повторять предложения за диктором Сведения из грамматики Тренировка ввода слов на клавиатуре

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5 Использование различных акцентов в озвученном словаре

Прослушивание аудиокниг

Чтение книг вслух (с использованием озвученного словаря)   Раздел "Времена Английских глаголов"

Прослушивание аудиокниг

Чтение книг вслух   Курс "Бизнес-Английский"

Прослушивание аудиокниг

Чтение книг вслух   Grammar Reference